ECONOMIC GEOLOGY and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 2002, V 97, N 4, June-July.

A Special Issue Devoted to the Mineral Deposits of the Archean North Pilbara, Western Australia
Guest Editors: David L. Huston, Arthur H. Hickman, and Peter L. F. Collinsand

D. L. Huston 

Geology and Tectonic Evolution of the Archean North Pilbara Terrain, Pilbara 
Craton, Western Australia 
Martin J. Van Kranendonk, Arthur H. Hickman, R. Hugh Smithies, David R. Nelson, and Geoff Pike 

The Timing of Mineralization in the Archean North Pilbara Terrain, Western Australia 
David L. Huston, Shen-Su Sun, Richard Blewett, Arthur H. Hickman,
Martin Van Kranendonk, David Phillips, Darcy Baker, and Carl Brauhart 

Oldest Gold: Deformation and Hydrothermal Alteration in the Early Archean Shear 
Zone-Hosted Bamboo Creek Deposit, Pilbara, Western Australia 
T. E. Zegers, M. E. Barley, D. I. Groves, N. J. McNaughton, and S. H. White 

Structural History and Timing of Gold Mineralization in the Northern East 
Strelley Belt, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia 
D. E. L. Baker, P. K. Seccombe, and W. J. Colleens 

The Diverse Structure of Archean Lode Gold Deposits of the Southwest Mosquito 
Creek Belt, East Pilbara Craton, Western Australia 
Richard Blewett, David Huston, Terrace P. Mernagh, and Jullienne Kamprad 

Lode Gold and Epithermal Deposits of the Mallina Basin, Pilbara Complex, Western Australia 
David L. Huston, Richard Blewett, Brett Keillor, Jon Standing, R. Hugh Smithies, 
Alan Marxhall, Terrence P. Mernagh, and Jullienne Kamprad 

Hyperspectral Mapping of Mineral Assemblages Associated with Gold Mineralization 
in the Central Pilbara, Western Australia 
Phil Bierwirth, David Huston, and Richard Blewett 

Geological Constraints on Base Metal Mineralization of the Whim Creek Greenstone 
Belt, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia 
Geoff Pike, Ray Cas, and R. Hugh Smithies 

Archean Layered Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions in the West Pilbara Craton, Western 
Australia: A Synthesis of Some of the Oldest Orthomagmatic Mineralizing
Systems in the World 
Dean M. Hoatson and Shen-Su Sun 

Genetic Framework for the Classification and Distribution of Archean Rare-Metal 
Pegmatites in the North Pilbara Craton, Western Australia 
Marcus T. Sweetapple and W. J. Collins 

Scientific Communication
Lead Isotope Evolution of Mineral Deposits in the Proterozoic Throssell Group, Western Australia Bruce R. Anderson, J. Bruce Gemmell, and David R. Nelson