ECONOMIC GEOLOGY, 2002, V 97, N 3, May.
Hydrothermal Fluid Origins in a Fluorite-Rich Mississippi Valley-Type Deposit:
Combined Noble Gas (He, Ar, Kr) and Halogen (Cl, Br, I) Analysis of Fluid
Inclusions from the South Pennine Orefield, U.K.
M. Kendrick, R. Burgess, R. A. D. Pattrick, and G. Turner
Hydrothermal Fluid Origins in Mississippi Valley-Type Ore Deposits: Noble Gas
(He, Ar, Kr) and Halogen (Cl, Br, I) Evidence from the Illinois-Kentucky
Fluorspar District, Viburnum Trend and Tri-State District, Mid-Continent, U.S.A.
M. A. Kendrick, R. Burgess, D. Leach, and R. A. D. Pattrick
Constraints on the Origins of Fluids Forming Irish Zn-Pb-Ba Deposits: Evidence
from the Composition of Fluid Inclusions
D. A. Banks, A. J. Boyce, I. M. Samson
The Hishikari Au-Ag Epithermal Deposit, Japan: Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope
Evidence in Determining the Source of Paleohydrothermal Fluids
K. Faure, Y. Matsuhisa, H. Metsugi, C. Mizota, and S. Hayashi
Nukundamite (Cu3.38Fe0.62S4)-Bearing Copper Ore in the Bingham Porphyry Deposit,
Utah: Result of Upflow through Quartzite
E. Esra Inan and Marco T. Einaudi
The Archean Cu-Zn, Magnetite-Rich Gossan Hill Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulfide
Deposit, Western Australia: Genesis of a Transitional Sulfide Magnetite System
R. Sharpe and B. Gemmell
Geochronological Constrains on Pre-, Syn- and Post-Mineralization Events at the
World-Class Cleo Gold Deposit, Eastern Goldfields Province, Western Australia
S. M. Brown, I. R. Fletcher, H. J. Stein, L. W. Snee, and D. I. Groves
Supergene Alteration of Primary Ore Assemblages from Low-Sulfidation Au-Ag
Epithermal Deposits (Pongkor, Indonesia; Nazareno, Peru)
C. Greffie, L. Bailly, and J.-P. Milesi
Origin of a Dolomite-Related Jade Deposit at Chuncheon, Korea
Tzen-Fu Yui and Sung-Tack Kwon
Pyrite-Hosted Fluid Inclusions
S. Lindaas, Campbell Kulis
Scientific Communications
40Ar/39Ar Dating of Hydrothermal Biotite from High-Grade Gold Mineralization,
Tangier Gold Deposit, Nova Scotia: Further Evidence for 370 Ma Gold Metallogeny
in the Meguma Terrane
Daniel J. Kontak and Douglas Archibald
Application of High-Field-Strength Elements to Discriminate Tectonic Settings in
Volcanic Massive Sulfide Environments
E. Schandl and M. Gorton
Petrology and Geochemistry of the Least-Altered Banded Iron-Formation of the
Archean Carajas Formation, Northern Brazil
C. Klein and E. Ladeira
Cementation, Hydrothermal Alteration and Zn-Pb Mineralization of Carbonate
Breccias in the Irish Midlands: Textural Evidence from the Cooleen Zone, near
Silvermines, County Tipperary
M. Lee and J. Wilkinson