ECONOMIC GEOLOGY, 1999, V 94, N 7, November

A Special Issue On Organics and Ore Deposits: Interactions, Applications and Case Studies Editor: Andrew P. Gize

Introduction Andrew P. Gize Organic Alteration in Hydrothermal Sulfide Ore Deposits Andrew P. Gize Organic Matter in the Upper Silesian (MVT) Zn-Pb Deposits, Poland   Maria Sass-Gustkiewicz & Barbara Kwiecinska Precipitation Kinetics of Uranium by Sedimentary Organic Matter Under Diagenetic and Hydrothermal Conditions Satoru Nakashima, Jean-Robert Disnar, & Alain Perruchot Origin of Black Shales and the Serpentinite-Associated Cu-Zn-Co Ores at Outokumpu in Finland Kirsti Loukola-Ruskeeniemi The Oil-Bearing, Carlin-Type Gold Deposits of Yankee Basin, Alligator Ridge District, Nevada  J effrey B. Hulen &  James W. Collister Sedex Nickel-Molybdenum Ores of South China Darline A. Lott, Raymond M. Coveney, James B. Murowchick, &  Richard I. Grauch An Evaluation of the Inorganic and Organic Geochemistry of the San Vicente Mississippi Valley-Type Zinc-Lead District, Central Peru: Implications for Ore Fluid Composition, Mixing Processes, and Sulfate Reduction. Jorge E. Spangenberg, Lluis Fontboté, & Stephen A. Macko Bitumens in the Late Variscan Hydrothermal Vein-Type Uranium Deposit of Pribram (Czech Republic): Sources, Radiation-Induced Alteration and Relation to Mineralization Bohdan Kribek, Karel Zak, Jorge Spangenberg, Jan Jehlicka, Stanislav Prokeš, & Jiri Kominek  The Role of Organic Matter in the Genesis of the El Soldado Volcanic-Hosted Manto-Type Cu   Deposit, Chile Nicholas S. F. Wilson & Marcos Zentilli Noble Metals in Organic Matter and Clay-Organic Matrices, Kupferschiefer, Poland Harry Kucha & W. Przybylowicz
Scientific Communications

Discovery of a Palladium-Platinum-Gold-Mercury Bitumen in the Boss Mine (Clark County, Nevada) Jacques Jedwab, Denise Badaut,& Patricia  Beaunier Gold in Organic Matter, Maldon, Victoria, Australia Harry Kucha & Ian R. Plimer