Economic Geology & the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists.
1999, V 94, N 2, Mar-Apr.
ISSN 0361-0128
The origin of Cu sulfide deposits in the Curaca Valley, Bahia, Brazil:
Evidence from Cu, Ni, Se, and platinum-group element concentrations.
Maier WD; Barnes SJ.
pp 165-183
Platinum-group elements in the sudbury ores: Significance with respect to
the origin of different ore zones and to the exploration for footwall
Naldrett AJ; Asif M; Schandl E; Searcy T; Morrison GG; Binney WP; Moore C.
pp 185-210
Lead isotope compositions of Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary igneous
rocks and sulfide minerals in Arizona: Implications for the sources of
plutons and metals in porphyry copper deposits.
Bouse RM; Ruiz J; Titley SR; Tosdal RM; Wooden JL.
pp 211-244
Oxygen and carbon isotope study of natural and synthetic malachite.
Melchiorre EB; Criss RE; Rose TP.
pp 245-259
Clay mineralogy, crystallinity, and K-Ar ages of illites within the Polish
Zechstein basin: Implications for the age of Kupferschiefer
Bechtel A; Elliott WC; Wampler JM; Oszczepalski S.
pp 261-272
U series age and origin of two secondary uranium deposits, central Eastern
Desert, Egypt.
Osmond JK; Dabous AA; Dawood YH.
pp 273-279
Fe sulfide formation due to seawater-gas-sediment interaction in a
shallow-water hydrothermal system at Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea.
Pichler T; Giggenbach WF; McInnnes BIA; Buhl D; Duck B.
pp 281-287
Gold remobilization by low-temperature brines: Evidence from the
Curraghinalt gold deposit, Northern Ireland.
Wilkinson JJ; Boyce AJ; Earls G; Fallick AE.
pp 289-296