"Timing and Duration of Hydrothermal Events"
PREFACE: The Timing and Duration of Hydrothermal
H.J. Stein and L.M. Cathles
pp 763-765
How long can a hydrothermal system be sustained by a single intrusion
L.M. Cathles, A.H.J. Erendi, J.B. Thayer, and T. Barrie
pp 766-771
Time estimation of iron-depletion near pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite inclusions
in sphalerite: the sphalerite speedometer
Toshio Mizuta and Steven Scott
pp 772-783
40Ar/39Ar geochronology of Cu-Au and Au-Ag mineralization
in the Potrerillos District, Chile
Timothy Marsh, Marco Einaudi, and Michael McWilliams
pp 784-806
Brief duration of hydrothermal activity at Round Mountain, Nevada determined
from 40Ar/39Ar geochronology
Chris Henry, Hallet Elson, Bill McIntosh, Matt Heizler, and Steve Castor
pp 807-826
Highly precise and accurate Re-Os ages for molybdenite, East Qinling
molybdenum belt, Shaanxi Province, China
Holly Stein, Richard Markey, John Morgan, Du Andao, and Sun Yali
pp 827-835
Ocean plateau volcanism and global ocean anoxia: Hydrothermal links
at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary
Chris Sinton and Robert Duncan
pp 836-842
Temporal changes in mineralization style at the Cadjebut MVT deposit,
Lennard Shelf, Western Australia
Linda Tompkins, Burkhard Eisenlohr, David Groves, and Michael Raitz
pp 843-862
Evidence of episodic fluid, gas, and sediment venting on the northern
Gulf of Mexico continental slope
Harry Roberts and Robert Carney
pp 863-879
Hydrodynamics of regional metamorphism due to continental collision
R. Brooks Hanson
pp 880-891