ECONOMIC GEOLOGY and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 2005, V 100, N 2, March-April.
Secular Changes in Global Tectonic Processes
and Their Influence on the Temporal Distribution
of Gold-Bearing Mineral Deposits
David I. Groves, Kent C. Condie, Richard J. Goldfarb,
Jonathan M. A. Hronsky, and Richard M. Vielreicher
pp. 203-224
U-Pb Zircon Ages and Pb Isotope Geochemistry of
Gold Deposits in the Carolina Slate Belt of South Carolina
R. S. Ayuso, J. L. Wooden, N. K. Foley, R. R. Seal,
II, and A. K. Sinha
pp. 225-252
Age of the Pueblo Viejo Gold-Silver Deposit and
Its Significance to Models for High-Sulfidation
Epithermal Mineralization
Stephen E. Kesler, Ian H. Campbell,
Christopher N. Smith, Chris M. Hall, and Charlotte M. Allen
pp. 253-272
Short Wavelength Infrared Spectral Characteristics
of the HW Horizon: Implications for Exploration in
the Myra Falls Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulfide Camp,
Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Sarah Jones, Walter Herrmann, and J. Bruce Gemmell
pp. 273-294
Paleomagnetism of Late Paleozoic Strata and
Mineralization in the Tri-State Lead-Zinc Ore District
D. T. A. Symons, S. J. Pannalal, R. M. Coveney, Jr.,
and D. F. Sangster
pp. 295-309
Self-Destructive Sulfide Segregation Systems and
the Formation of High-Grade Magmatic Ore Deposits
Andrew Kerr and Alison M. Leitch
pp. 311-332
The Distribution of Base Metals and Platinum-Group
Elements in Magnetitite and Its Host Rocks in the
Rio Jacare Intrusion, Northeastern Brazil
J. H. S. S?, S-J. Barnes, H. M. Prichard,
and P. C. Fisher
pp. 333-348
Late Archean Lake Harris Komatiite, Central
Gawler Craton, South Australia: Geologic
Setting and Geochemistry
Dean M. Hoatson, Shen-Su Sun, Morris B. Duggan,
Marc B. Davies, Sue J. Daly, and Alan C. Purvis
pp. 349-374
Scientific Communications
Repetition of the Mount Morgan Stratigraphy and
Mineralization in the Dee Range, Northeastern
Australia: Implications for Exploration
Alex Taube, Ruth Mawson, and John A. Talent
pp. 375-384
Possible Intrusion-Related Gold Systems in
the Western Lachlan Orogen, Southeastern Australia
F. P. Bierlein and S. McKnight
pp. 385-398