Hydrothermal fluid evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Kutemajarvi gold-telluride deposit, SW Finland
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Anglin, C.D. et al.Clay alteration and gold deposition in the Genesis and Blue Star deposits, Eureka County, Nevada
Drews-Armitage, S. et al.Geology, genesis and metamorphic history of the Namew Lake Ni-Cu deposit, Manitoba
Menard, T. et al.Genesis of the Silsilah tin deposit, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Kamilli, R. and Criss, R.E.Karst-hosted freshwater Paleoproterozoic manganese deposits: Postmasburg, South Africa
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3.04-2.97 Ga greenstone belt formation in the northeastern Kaapvaal craton: Implications for the origin of the Witwatersrand basin
Poujol, M. et al.Contribution of infrared microscopy to fluid inclusion studies in some opaque minerals (wolframite, stibnite, bournonite): Metallogenetic implications
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