ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. Volume 91 December 1996 Number 8

Hydrothermal fluid evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Kutemajarvi gold-telluride deposit, SW Finland
Poutiainen, M. and Gronholm, P.

SHRIMP U-Pb geochronological constraints on Archaean VHMS and lode-gold mineralization at Mount Gibson, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Yeats, C. et al.

Sm-Nd Dating of Scheelite and Tourmaline: Implications for the Genesis of Archean Gold Deposits, Val d'Or, Canada
Anglin, C.D. et al.

Clay alteration and gold deposition in the Genesis and Blue Star deposits, Eureka County, Nevada
Drews-Armitage, S. et al.

Geology, genesis and metamorphic history of the Namew Lake Ni-Cu deposit, Manitoba
Menard, T. et al.

Genesis of the Silsilah tin deposit, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Kamilli, R. and Criss, R.E.

Karst-hosted freshwater Paleoproterozoic manganese deposits: Postmasburg, South Africa
Gutzmer, J and Beukes, N.J.

Scientific Communications

3.04-2.97 Ga greenstone belt formation in the northeastern Kaapvaal craton: Implications for the origin of the Witwatersrand basin
Poujol, M. et al.

Contribution of infrared microscopy to fluid inclusion studies in some opaque minerals (wolframite, stibnite, bournonite): Metallogenetic implications
Luders, V.

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