Doklady Earth Sciences, 2016, V 470, N 2.


Regional Anomalies of Hydrocarbon Fluid Saturation as a 
New Source of Data on Promising Oil and 
Gas Deposits in the Caspian Shelf
D. B. Davydenko 
p. 997  

Early Cretaceous Sea Level Fluctuations 
in the Eastern Part of the East European Platform
S. O. Zorina 
p. 1002  

Primary Divisibility of the Protolithosphere 
and Current Tectonic Divisibility of 
Lithospheric Blocks: New Reconstructions
S. I. Sherman and Corresponding Member of the RAS A. P. Sorokin 
p. 1006  

Sources of Paleozoic Granitic Rocks and Isotopic Heterogeneity 
of the Continental Crust of the Aktau–Dzhungar 
Microcontinent, Central Kazakhstan
Corresponding Member of the RAS K. E. Degtyarev, 
K. N. Shatagin and A. A. Tret’yakov 
p. 1010  

The Isotopic–Geochronological Age of Trap Formation Rocks 
in the Sedimentary Section of the Baikit Anteclise
K. S. Alekseeva, L. P. Popova, 
A. V. Postnikov and O. V. Postnikova 
p. 1014  

Igneous Rocks of the West Sakhalin Terrane of Sakhalin Island
V. M. Grannik 
p. 1019  

Middle Paleozoic Kimberlite Magmatism 
in the Northeastern Siberian Craton
E. O. Egorova, V. P. Afanas’ev and 
Academician of RAS N. P. Pokhilenko 
p. 1023  

Analysis of the Productivity of Gold Deposits of Amur Province
V. A. Stepanov, A. V. Melnikov and Academician V. G. Moiseenko 
p. 1027  

Finds of Economic Platinum in Ores from 
the South Khingan Mn Deposit
Academician A. I. Khanchuk, I. Yu. Rasskazov, 
V. G. Kryukov, N. M. Litvinova and B. G. Saksin 
p. 1031  

Geochemistry Geochemical Features of the Utilization of Buried Wastes of the Tyrnyauz Tungsten–Molybdenum Plant Using Acid Leaching S. F. Vinokurov, A. G. Gurbanov, Academician O. A. Bogatikov, V. A. Sychkova, A. V. Shevchenko, A. B. Lexin and Z. I. Dudarov p. 1034 REE Distribution in Zircon from Reference Rocks of the Arctic Region: Evidence from Study by the LA-ICP-MS Method Corresponding Member of the RAS A. I. Nikolaev, S. V. Drogobuzhskaya, T. B. Bayanova, T. V. Kaulina, L. M. Lyalina, A. I. Novikov and E. N. Steshenko p. 1037 Homogenization of Carbonate-Bearing Microinclusions in Diamond at P–T Parameters of the Upper Mantle A. L. Ragozin, Yu. N. Palyanov, D. A. Zedgenizov, A. A. Kalinin and Corresponding Member of the RAS V. S. Shatsky p. 1042
Geophysics A Mathematical Model of Gas Outflow from Gas-Saturated Ice and Gas Hydrates G. I. Barenblatt, Corresponding Member of the RAS L. I. Lobkovsky and Academician R. I. Nigmatulin p. 1046 The Uryakh Ore Field (NE Transbaikalia): Formation of Structural Assemblages in the Centroid-Type Seismic Regime T. M. Zlobina, Corresponding Member of the RAS V. A. Petrov, V. Yu. Prokofiev, A. A. Kotov, K. Yu. Murashov and A. A. Wolfson p. 1050 Unified Scaling Law for Earthquakes in Crimea and Northern Caucasus A. K. Nekrasova and V. G. Kossobokov p. 1056
Geochemistry Coesite Inclusions in Diamonds of Yakutia L. D. Bardukhinov, Z. V. Spetsius and R. V. Monkhorov p. 1059 Geodynamic Background for Large-Scale Mineralization in the Southern Environs of the Siberian Craton in the Proterozoic A. E. Budyak, Corresponding Member of the RAS N. A. Goryachev and S. Yu. Skuzovatov p. 1063 Uranium in the Mineralized Lakes of Altai Krai V. P. Isupov, M. N. Kolpakova, S. V. Borzenko, S. S. Shatskaja, S. L. Shvartsev, A. P. Dolgushin, G. M. Arzamasova and Academician N. Z. Lyakhov p. 1067 Sedimentary Complexes of the Cover of the Dzabkhan Continental Block: Different Sedimentary Basins and Source Areas E. F. Letnikova, I. A. Vishnevskaya, Academician F. A. Letnikov, N. I. Vetrova, S. I. Shkolnik, Yu. A. Kostitsyn, E. A. Karakovskii, L. Z. Reznitskii and N. A. Kanygina p. 1071 Geochemistry of Biotite from Charnockitoids in the Granite-Forming Series (Nimnyr Block of the Aldan Shield) I. S. Sedova, Corresponding Member of the RAS V. A. Glebovitskii and S. G. Skublov p. 1076
Geophysics Observations of Atmospheric Methane and Its Stable Isotope Ratio (?13C) over the Russian Arctic Seas from Ship Cruises in the Summer and Autumn of 2015 A. I. Skorokhod, N. V. Pankratova, I. B. Belikov, R. L. Thompson, A. N. Novigatsky and Academician G. S. Golitsyn p. 1081
Geography ?18O and ?D Variations in Holocene Massive Ice in the Sabettayakha River Mouth, Northern Yamal Peninsula Yu. K. Vasil’chuk, Ye. Ye. Podborny, N. A. Budantseva, A. C. Vasil’chuk, A. N. Sullina and Ju. N. Chizhova p. 1086
Oceanology A Condition for the Existence of Quasi-Periodic Nonlinear Internal Waves in the Ocean Shelf Zone S. M. Khartiev, Corresponding Member of the RAS D. G. Matishov and K. S. Grigorenko p. 1093
Geochemistry 238U and 235U Isotope Fractionation upon Oxidation of Uranium-Bearing Rocks by Fracture Waters Academician I. V. Chernyshev, V. N. Golubev, A. V. Chugaev and G. V. Mandzhieva p. 1097
Geophysics Precursors of Dynamic Failure on a Tectonic Fault Academician V. V. Adushkin, G. G. Kocharyan, A. A. Ostapchuk and D. V. Pavlov p. 1100 Characteristic Scale of Heterogeneity of Seismically Active Fault and Its Manifestation in Scaling of Earthquake Source Spectra A. A. Gusev p. 1104