Doklady Earth Sciences, 2024, V 517, N 1.


U–Pb Age of Detrital Zircons from the Middle 
Permian Sabantuy Chromite Paleoplacer (Southern Pre-Urals)
I. R. Rakhimov, E. V. Pushkarev, V. S. Chervyakovskiy 
and S. A. Dyakova 
p. 1075  

Metasandstones of the Vilenga Formation of the Vetrenyi 
Belt: Composition, Isotopic–Geochronological 
Characteristic, and Provenances
S. V. Mezhelovskaya, E. V. Asafov, A. N. Koshlyakova, 
D. P. Tobelko, A. D. Mezhelovsky and 
Academician A. V. Sobolev 
p. 1082  

Sandy Sediments in the Tokko Basin of the 
Baikal Rift Zone: Sources and Provenance Areas
T. M. Skovitina, Corresponding Member of the RAS A. B. Kotov, 
I. N. Buchnev, V. P. Kovach, S. D. Velikoslavinskii, 
E. V. Tolmacheva, E. V. Adamskaya, 
O. V. Bobrovskaya and V. A. Gorovoy 
p. 1089  

Formation Conditions of the Lower Carboniferous 
Volcanoterrigenous Sequences of the Eastern 
Slope of the Central and Northern Urals
G. A. Petrov and Corresponding Member of the RAS
 A. V. Maslov 
p. 1093  

Two Stages of Late Mesozoic Magmatism in Southern 
Dalat Zone Associated with Paleo-Pacific Subduction 
Constrained by Whole-Rock Chemistry and 
Geochronology Combined with New Findings 
on Zircon Chemical Composition
Nong Thi Quynh Anh, Tran Van Xuan, Pham Trung Hieu, 
Pham Minh, Nguyen Tuan, Nguyen Xuan Kha 
and Truong Quoc Thanh 
p. 1101  


Division of the Early Proterozoic Khargitui 
Formation of the Sarma Group (Akitkan Orogenic Belt, 
Siberian Craton) into Different Age Sequences 
Based on the Results of U–Pb Isotopic Analysis of Zircon
U. S. Efremova, T. V. Donskaya, Corresponding Member 
of the RAS D. P. Gladkochub, A. M. Mazukabzov, 
A. V. Ivanov and N. V. Bryansky 
p. 1119  

Geology of Ore Deposits

Late Paleozoic Stages of Ore Formation 
in the Middle Tian Shan: Isotopic U–Pb Zircon 
Dating (LA-ICP-MS Method) of Intrusive Rocks 
from the Sonkul and Kokturpak Plutons 
(Eastern Kyrgyzstan)
S. G. Soloviev, S. G. Kryazhev, D. V. Semenova, 
Yu. A. Kalinin and Academician N. S. Bortnikov 
p. 1126