Doklady Earth Sciences, 2023, V 509, N 1.


Age and Tectonic Setting of the Kopri-Type Granitoids
at the Junction Zone of the Dzhugdzhur–Stanovoi
and Western Stanovoi Superterranes of the Central Asian Fold Belt
A. M. Larin, Corresponding Member of the RAS A. B. Kotov, 
E. B. Salnikova, S. D. Velikoslavinskii, V. P. Kovach, 
T. M. Skovitina, A. A. Ivanova, Yu. V. Plotkina and 
N. Yu. Zagornaya 
p. 111  


Geochemical Aspects of the Frictional Melting of Metapsammites 
during Seismic Slips (with Reference to Pseudotachylytes of the Ladoga Region)
Corresponding Member of the RAS Yu. A. Morozov, M. A. Matveev, 
S. G. Skublov, A. I. Smulskaya, E. N. Terekhov and A. S. Larkov 
p. 118  

Hetero- and Homogeneous States of Hydrocarbon Fluids in 
the Earth’s Interior: Evidence from the Study of 
Synthetic Fluid Inclusions
V. S. Balitsky, T. V. Setkova, L. V. Balitskaya, 
M. A. Golunova, T. M. Bublikova, I. N. Plotnikova 
and Academician L. Ya. Aranovich 
p. 133  


Stability of Carbonates during Subduction: 
Influence of the Dehydration Regime of 
Chlorine-Bearing Metapelite
A. G. Sokol, A. N. Kruk and Corresponding Member 
of the RAS Yu. N. Palyanov 
p. 139  


The First Record of the Goniatite Genus Paramexicoceras 
in the Changhsingian Deposits of the Upper 
Permian in Northeastern Asia
R. V. Kutygin, A. N. Kilyasov and A. S. Biakov 
p. 144  


Spatial Distribution of Internal Tidal Waves 
on the Northeastern Shelf of Sakhalin
E. A. Rouvinskaya, O. E. Kurkina and 
A. A. Kurkin 
p. 148  

A Variety of Transformations of Nonlinear 
Internal Tidal Waves of the Northwestern
Shelf of Australia
P. E. Holloway and A. N. Serebryany 
p. 153  


Transformation of Malacological Fauna of 
the Sea of Azov in the Holocene and Its 
Role in the Formation of Coastal Spits
Academician G. G. Matishov, E. P. Kovalenko 
and V. V. Titov 
p. 160  


The Unprecedented Duration of the 2020 
Ozone Depletion in the Antarctic
Corresponding Member of the RAS V. V. Zuev, 
E. S. Savelieva, A. V. Pavlinsky and 
E. A. Sidorovski 
p. 166  

Space Studies of the Earth

Retrieving the Angular Distribution of 
Sea Wave Energy according to Satellite Imagery Spectra
Academician V. G. Bondur, V. A. Dulov, V. A. Kozub, 
A. B. Murynin, M. V. Yurovskaya and Yu. Yu. Yurovsky 
p. 171