Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2002, V 143, N 6, September.
Ian S. E. Carmichael
The andesite aqueduct: perspectives on the evolution of intermediate magmatism
in west-central (105-99°W) Mexico
Pp. 641-663,
Takehiko Hiraga, Osamu Nishikawa, Toshiro Nagase, Mizuhiko Akizuki, David L.
Interfacial energies for quartz and albite in pelitic schist
Pp. 664-672
Ilya V. Veksler, Rainer Thomas
An experimental study of B-, P- and F-rich synthetic granite pegmatite at 0.1
and 0.2 GPa
Pp. 673-683
Ingo Jung, Werner Schreyer
Synthesis, properties and stability of end member boromuscovite,
Pp. 684-693
Gerhard Schmidt, Jonathan Snow
Os isotopes in mantle xenoliths from the Eifel volcanic field and the Vogelsberg
(Germany): age constraints on the lithospheric mantle
Pp. 694-705
Teddy Parra, Olivier Vidal, Phillipe Agard
A thermodynamic model for Fe-Mg dioctahedral K white micas using data from
phase-equilibrium experiments and natural pelitic assemblages
Pp. 706-732
Ian S. Buick, Ian Cartwright
Fractured-controlled fluid flow and metasomatism in the contact aureole of the
Marulan Batholith (New South Wales, Australia)
Pp. 733-749
Thorsten Geisler, Robert T. Pidgeon
Raman scattering from metamict zircon: comments on "Metamictisation of natural
zircon: accumulation versus thermal annealing of radioactivity-induced damage"
by Nasdala et al. 2001 (Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology 141: 125-144)
Pp. 750-755
John I. Garver
Discussion: "Metamictisation of natural zircon: accumulation versus thermal
annealing of radioactivity-induced damage" by Nasdala et al. 2001 (Contributions
to Mineralogy and Petrology 141:125-144)
Pp. 756-757
Lutz Nasdala, Gert Irmer, Raymond Jonckheere
Radiation damage ages: Practical concept or impractical vision? - Reply to two
comments on "Metamictisation of natural zircon: Accumulation versus thermal
annealing of radioactivity-induced damage", and further discussion
Pp. 758-766
Lutz Nasdala, Marita Wenzel, Gerhard Vavra, Gert Irmer, Thomas Wenzel, Bernd Kober
Metamictisation of natural zircon: accumulation versus thermal annealing of
radioactivity-induced damage
Pp. 767-768