Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2002, V 142, N 5, February.
Jorg Renner, Brian Evans, Greg Hirth
Grain growth and inclusion formation in partially molten carbonate rocks
Pp. 501-514
Marco Bruno, Roberto Compagnoni, Takao Hirajima, Marco Rubbo
Jadeite with the Ca-Eskola molecule from an ultra-high pressure
metagranodiorite, Dora-Maira Massif, Western Alps
Pp. 515-519
Kaj Hoernle, George Tilton, Mike J. Le Bas, Svend Duggen, Dieter Garbe-Schonberg
Geochemistry of oceanic carbonatites compared with continental carbonatites:
mantle recycling of oceanic crustal carbonate
Pp. 520-542
Ulrike Troitzsch, David J. Ellis
Thermodynamic properties and stability of AlF-bearing titanite CaTiOSiO4-CaAlFSiO4
Pp. 543-563
K. Johnson, C. G. Barnes, J. M. Browning, H. R. Karlsson
Petrology of iron-rich magmatic segregations associated with strongly
peraluminous trondhjemite in the Cornucopia stock, northeastern Oregon
Pp. 564-581
P. J. le Roux, A. P. le Roex, J.-G. Schilling
Crystallization processes beneath the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (40-55°S),
evidence for high-pressure initiation of crystallization
Pp. 582-602
M. Gregoire, D. R. Bell, A. P. Le Roex
Trace element geochemistry of phlogopite-rich mafic mantle xenoliths: their
classification and their relationship to phlogopite-bearing peridotites and
kimberlites revisited
Pp. 603-625
U. Troitzsch, D. J. Ellis
Thermodynamic properties and stability of AlF-bearing titanite CaTiOSiO4-CaAlFSiO4
Pp. 626-626