Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
1997, V 127, N 4.
ISSN 0010-7999
AU Ellis-D-J. Hiroi-Y.
TI Secondary siderite-oxide-sulphide and carbonate-andalusite
assemblages in cordierite granulites from Sri Lanka:
post-granulite facies fluid evolution during uplift. P 315.
AU Stachel-T. Harris-J-W.
TI Syngenetic inclusions in diamond from the Birim field (Ghana) - a
deep peridotitic profile with a history of depletion and
re-enrichment. P 336.
AU Amelin-Y-V. Larin-A-M. Tucker-R-D.
TI Chronology of multiphase emplacement of the Salmi rapakivi
granite-anorthosite complex, Baltic Shield: implications for
magmatic evolution. P 353.
AU Caroff-M. Maury-R-C. Guille-G. Cotten-J.
TI Partial melting below Tubuai (Austral Islands, French Polynesia).
P 369.
AU Cherniak-D-J. Hanchar-J-M. Watson-E-B.
TI Diffusion of tetravalent cations in zircon. P 383.
AU Smith-D. Riter-J-C-A.
TI Genesis and evolution of low-Al orthopyroxene in spinel peridotite
xenoliths, Grand Canyon field, Arizona, USA. P 391.