Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology,
1996, V 123, N 4.
ISSN 0010-7999
AU Baker-L-L. Rutherford-M-J.
TI Sulfur diffusion in rhyolite melts. P 335.
AU Kohlstedt-D-L. Keppler-H. Rubie-D-C.
TI Solubility of water in the alpha, beta and gamma phases of
(Mg,Fe)_[2]SiO_. P 345.
AU Wilshire-H-G. McGuire-A-V.
TI Magmatic infiltration and melting in the lower crust and upper
mantle beneath the Cima volcanic field, California. P 358.
AU Smith-R-D. Cameron-K-L. McDowell-F-W. Niemeyer-S. Sampson-D-E.
TI Generation of voluminous silicic magmas and formation of
mid-Cenozoic crust beneath north-central Mexico: evidence from
ignimbrites, associated lavas, deep crustal granulites, and mantle
pyroxenites. P 375.
AU Torre-M-D. Livi-K-J-T. Veblen-D-R. Frey-M.
TI White K-mica evolution from phengite to muscovite in shales and
shale matrix melange, Diablo Range, California. P 390.
AU McDermott-F. Harris-N-B-W. Hawkesworth-C-J.
TI Geochemical constraints on crustal anatexis: a case study from the
Pan-African Damara granitoids of Namibia. P 406.
AU Brown-P-E. Evans-I-B. Becker-S-M.
TI The Prince of Wales Formation - post-flood basalt alkali volcanism
in the Tertiary of East Greenland. P 424.
AU Li-C. Barnes-S-J.
TI Partitioning of platinum-group elements and Au in the Fe-Ni-Cu-S
system: experiments on the fractional crystallization of sulfide
melt - a discussion. P 435.
AU Fleet-M-E.
TI Partitioning of platinum-group elements and Au in the Fe-Ni-Cu-S
System: experiments on the fractional crystallization of sulfide
melt - reply. P 438.