Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology , 2004, V 147, N 3, May.

  Rear-arc vs. arc-front volcanoes in the Katmai reach of the Alaska
  Peninsula: a critical appraisal of across-arc compositional
  Wes Hildreth, Judy Fierstein, David F. Siems, et al.  
  pp. 243 - 275   
  End-member ferrian kanonaite: an andalusite phase with
  one Al fully replaced by (Mn, Fe) 3+ in a quartz vein from the
  Ardennes mountains, Belgium, and its origin  
  Werner Schreyer, Heinz-Jurgen Bernhardt,
  Andre-Mathieu Fransolet, et al.  
  pp. 276 - 287   
  Fractional crystallization of hydrous basaltic “arc-type” 
  magmas and the formation of amphibole-bearing
  gabbroic cumulates  
  Dick T. Claeson, William P. Meurer  
  pp. 288 - 304   
  Pitfalls in geothermobarometry of eclogites: Fe 3+ and
  changes in the mineral chemistry of omphacite
  at ultrahigh pressures  
  Alexander Proyer, Edgar Dachs, Catherine McCammon  
  pp. 305 - 318   
  Fluorite stability in silicic magmas  
  B. Scaillet, R. Macdonald  
  pp. 319 - 329   
  SHRIMP dating of zircons from high-grade metasediments
  of the Schwarzwald/SW-Germany and implication
  s for the evolution of the Moldanubian basement  
  B. Kober, A. Kalt, M. Hanel, et al.  
  pp. 330 - 345   
  The igneous charnockite—high-K alkali-calcic I-type
  granite—incipient charnockite association
  in Trivandrum Block, southern India    
  H. M. Rajesh  
  pp. 346 - 362    
  Phyllosilicate minerals in the hydrothermal mafic–ultramafic-hosted
  massive-sulfide deposit of Ivanovka (southern Urals):
  comparison with modern ocean seafloor analogues    
  Paolo Nimis, Svetlana G. Tesalina, Paolo Omenetto, et al.  
  pp. 363 - 383