Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
Volume 127 Number 3 (1997)
ISSN 0010-7999
AU Grove-T-L. Donnelly-Nolan-J-M. Housh-T.
TI Magmatic processes that generated the rhyolite of Glass Mountain,
Medicine Lake volcano, N. California. P 205.
AU Becker-H.
TI Sm-Nd garnet ages and cooling history of high-temperature garnet
peridotite massifs and high-pressure granulites from lower
Austria. P 224.
AU Grobety-B-H.
TI The replacement of anthophyllite by jimthompsonite: a model for
hydration reactions in biopyriboles. P 237.
AU Blichert-Toft-J. Chauvel-C. Albarede-F.
TI Separation of Hf and Lu for high-precision isotope analysis of rock
samples by magnetic sector-multiple collector ICP-MS. P 248.
AU Aranovich-L-Y. Newton-R-C.
TI H_[2]O activity in concentrated KCl and KCl-NaCl solutions at high
temperatures and pressures measured by the brucite-periclase
equilibrium. P 261.
AU Wilkinson-J-F-G. Stolz-A-J.
TI Subcalcic clinopyroxenites and associated ultramafic xenoliths in
alkali basalt near Glen Innes, northeastern New South Wales,
Australia. P 272.
AU Lee-M-R. Waldron-K-A. Parsons-I. Brown-W-L.
TI Feldspar-fluid interactions in braid microperthites: pleated rims
and vein microperthites. P 291.
AU Brown-W-L. Lee-M-R. Waldron-K-A. Parsons-I.
TI Strain-driven disordering of low microcline to low sanidine during
partial phase separation in microperthites. P 305.