Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 1997, V126, N3.

ISSN 0010-7999
AU Liu-M.  Peterson-J-C.  Yund-R-A.
TI Diffusion-controlled growth of albite and pyroxene reaction rims.
                                                            P 217.

AU Yund-R-A.
TI Rates of grain boundary diffusion through enstatite and forsterite
   reaction rims.                                           P 224.

AU Papale-P.
TI Modeling of the solubility of a one-component H_[2]O or CO_[2]
   fluid in silicate liquids.                               P 237.

AU Zimmermann-R.  Gottschalk-M.  Heinrich-W.  Franz-G.
TI Experimental Na-K distribution between amphiboles and aqueous
   chloride solutions, and a mixing model along the richterite -
   K-richterite join.                                       P 252.

AU Keane-S-D.  Morrison-J.
TI Distinguishing magmatic from subsolidus epidote: laser probe oxygen
   isotope compositions.                                    P 265.

AU Xie-X.  Byerly-G-R.  Ferrell-Jr-R-E.
TI IIb trioctahedral chlorite from the Barberton greenstone belt:
   crystal structure and rock composition constraints with
   implications to geothermometry.                          P 275.

AU Sanchez-Vizcaino-V-L.  Connolly-J-A-D.  Gomez-Pugnaire-M-T.
TI Metamorphism and phase relations in carbonate rocks from the
   Nevado-Filabride Complex (Cordilleras Beticas, Spain): application
   of the Ttn + Rt + Cal + Qtz + Gr buffer.                 P 292.

AU Gibson-S-A.  Thompson-R-N.  Weska-R-K.  Dickin-A-P.  Leonardos-O-H.
TI Late Cretaceous rift-related upwelling and melting of the Trindade
   starting mantle plume head beneath western Brazil.       P 303.

AU Grochau-B.  Johannes-W.
TI Stability of phlogopite in granitic melts, an experimental
   investigation.                                           P 315.