Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology,
Volume 128 Number 2/3 1997

ISSN 0010-7999
AU Friend-C-R-L.  Kinny-P-D.  Rogers-G.  Strachan-R-A.  Paterson-B-A.
TI U-Pb zircon geochronological evidence for Neoproterozoic events in
   the Glenfinnan Group (Moine Supergroup): the formation of the
   Ardgour granite gneiss, north-west Scotland.             P 101.

AU Williams-T-J.  Candela-P-A.  Piccoli-P-M.
TI Hydrogen-alkali exchange between silicate melts and two-phase
   aqueous mixtures: an experimental investigation.         P 114.

AU Giorgetti-G.  Memmi-I.  Nieto-F.
TI Microstructures of intergrown phyllosilicate grains from Verrucano
   metasediments (northern Apennines, Italy).               P 127.

AU Lightfoot-P-C.  Hawkesworth-C-J.  Olshefsky-K.  Green-T.
   Doherty-W.  Keays-R-R.
TI Geochemistry of Tertiary tholeiites and picrites from Qeqertarssuaq
   (Disko Island) and Nuussuaq, West Greenland with implications for
   the mineral potential of comagmatic intrusions.          P 139.

AU Moser-D-E.  Heaman-L-M.
TI Proterozoic zircon growth in Archean lower crustal xenoliths,
   southern Superior craton - a consequence of Matachewan ocean
   opening.                                                 P 164.

AU Montel-J-M.  Vielzeuf-D.
TI Partial melting of metagreywackes, Part II. Compositions of
   minerals and melts.                                      P 176.

AU Guillot-S.  de-Sigoyer-J.  Lardeaux-J-M.  Mascle-G.
TI Eclogitic metasediments from the Tso Morari area (Ladakh,
   Himalaya): evidence for continental subduction during India-Asia
   convergence.                                             P 197.

AU Linnen-R-L.  Keppler-H.
TI Columbite solubility in granitic melts: consequences for the
   enrichment and fractionation of Nb and Ta in the Earth's crust.
                                                            P 213.
AU Boyd-F-R.  Pokhilenko-N-P.  Pearson-D-G.  Mertzman-S-A.
   Sobolev-N-V.  Finger-L-W.
TI Composition of the Siberian cratonic mantle: evidence from
   Udachnaya peridotite xenoliths.                          P 228.

AU Demeny-A.  Sharp-Z-D.  Pfeifer-H-R.
TI Mg-metasomatism and formation conditions of
   Mg-chlorite-muscovite-quartzphyllites (leucophyllites) of the
   Eastern Alps (W. Hungary) and their relations to Alpine
   whiteschists.                                            P 247.

AU Daniels-P.  Krosse-S.  Werding-G.  Schreyer-W.
TI "Pseudosinhalite", a new hydrous MgAl-borate: synthesis, phase
   characterization, crystal structure, and PT-stability.   P 261.

AU Becker-H.
TI Petrological constraints on the cooling history of high-temperature
   garnet peridotite massifs in lower Austria.              P 272.

AU Portnyagin-M-V.  Danyushevsky-L-V.  Kamenetsky-V-S.
TI Coexistence of two distinct mantle sources during formation of
   ophiolites: a case study of primitive pillow-lavas from the lowest
   part of the volcanic section of the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus.
                                                            P 287.
AU Chou-I-M.
TI The use and misuse of the f_[H_[2]] sensors: a discussion of the
   paper by Dachs (1994).                                   P 302.

AU Dachs-E.  Benisek-A.
TI Annite stability revised: hydrogen-sensor data for the reaction
   annite = sanidine + magnetite + H_[2]: additional results and
   reply to Chou.                                           P 306.