Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2006, V 151, N 2, February.
Hornblende dehydration reactions during magma
ascent at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat
V. J. E. Buckley, R. S. J. Sparks, B. J. Wood
(121 - 140)
Experimental study of the CaMgSi2O6–CO2
system at 3–8 GPa
Robert W. Luth
(141 - 157)
Enigmatic diamonds in Archean calc-alkaline
lamprophyres of Wawa, southern Ontario, Canada
Andrea De Stefano, Nathalie Lefebvre,
Maya Kopylova
(158 - 173)
Chemical and isotopic effects of retrogression
in metamorphic fluid inclusions
Rolf L. Romer, Leander Franz, Richard Wirth
(174 - 186)
Using apatite to dispel the “trapped liquid”
concept and to understand the loss of
interstitial liquid by compaction in
mafic cumulates: an example from the
Stillwater Complex, Montana
W. P. Meurer and M. E. S. Meurer
(187 - 201)
Subduction factory processes beneath
the Guguan cross-chain, Mariana Arc:
no role for sediments, are
serpentinites important?
Robert J. Stern, Ed Kohut,
Sherman H. Bloomer, Matthew Leybourne,
Matthew Fouch, Jeff Vervoort
(202 - 221)
The development and refinement of
continental arcs by primary basaltic
magmatism, garnet pyroxenite accumulation,
basaltic recharge and delamination:
insights from the Sierra Nevada, California
Cin-Ty Aeolus Lee, Xin Cheng, Ulyana Horodyskyj
(222 - 242)
Publisher's Erratum
Directional chemical variations in
diamonds showing octahedral
following cuboid growth
D. A. Zedgenizov, B. Harte,
Edinburgh Ion Microprobe Facility (EIMF),
V. S. Shatsky, A. A. Politov,
G. M. Rylov, N. V. Sobolev
(243 - 244)