Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2003, V 146, N 2, November.

  Activity coefficient and polymerization of aqueous silica at 800 °C,
  12 kbar, from solubility measurements on SiO 2-buffering
  mineral assemblages    
  Robert C. Newton, Craig E. Manning  
  pp. 135 - 143 

  The youngest basic oceanic magmatism in the Alps (Late Cretaceous ;
  Chiavenna unit, Central Alps): geochronological constraints
  and geodynamic significance   
  Anthi Liati, Dieter Gebauer, C. Mark Fanning  
  pp. 144 - 158  
  Intermediate sodium–potassium mica in hydrothermally altered rocks
  of the Waterloo deposit, Australia: a combined SEM-EMP-XRD-TEM study   
  G. Giorgetti, T. Monecke, R. Kleeberg, et al.  
  pp. 159 - 173 
  Partial eclogitisation of gabbroic rocks in a late Precambrian
  subduction zone (Zambia): prograde metamorphism triggered
  by fluid infiltration   
  Timm John, Volker Schenk  
  pp. 174 - 191  
  Crystal chemical controls on rare earth element partitioning
  between epidote-group minerals and melts: an experimental
  and theoretical study    
  Dirk Frei, Axel Liebscher, Antje Wittenberg, et al.  
  pp. 192 - 204 
  Redistribution of trace elements during prograde metamorphism
  from lawsonite blueschist to eclogite facies; implications
  for deep subduction-zone processes  
  Carl Spandler, Jorg Hermann, Richard Arculus, et al.  
  pp. 205 - 222   
  Major element composition of the lithospheric mantle under
  the North Atlantic craton: Evidence from peridotite
  xenoliths of the Sarfartoq area, southwestern Greenland  
  Martin Bizzarro, Ross K. Stevenson  
  pp. 223 - 240   

  Peridotite xenoliths from Grenada, Lesser Antilles Island Arc   
  I. J. Parkinson, R. J. Arculus, S. M. Eggins  
  pp. 241 - 262