Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
1998, V 130, N 2
ISSN 0010-7999
AU Brueckner-H-K. Gilotti-J-A. Nutman-A-P.
TI Caledonian eclogite-facies metamorphism of Early Proterozoic
protoliths from the North-East Greenland Eclogite Province. P 103.
AU Miyake-A.
TI Monte Carlo simulation of normal grain growth in 2- and
3-dimensions: the lattice-model-independent grain size
P 121.
AU Puchtel-I-S. Arndt-N-T. Hofmann-A-W. Haase-K-M. Kroener-A.
Kulikov-V-S. Kulikova-V-V. Garbe-Schoenberg-C-D. Nemchin-A-A.
TI Petrology of mafic lavas within the Onega plateau, central Karelia:
evidence for 2.0 Ga plume-related continental crustal growth in
the Baltic Shield.
P 134.
AU Chen-Y-D. O'Reilly-S-Y. Griffin-W-L. Krogh-T-E.
TI Combined U-Pb dating and Sm-Nd studies on lower crustal and mantle
xenoliths from the Delegate basaltic pipes, southeastern
P 154.
AU Poli-S. Schmidt-M-W.
TI The high-pressure stability of zoisite and phase relationships of
zoisite-bearing assemblages.
P 162.
AU Thompson-P. Parsons-I. Graham-C-M. Jackson-B.
TI The breakdown of potassium feldspar at high water pressures.
P 176.
AU Fockenberg-T.
TI An experimental investigation on the P-T stability of Mg-staurolite
in the system MgO-Al_[2]O_[3]-SiO_[2]-H_[2]O.
P 187.