Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
1996, V 126, Number 1-2.
ISSN 0010-7999
Berman-R-G. Aranovich-L-Y.
Optimized standard state and solution properties of minerals. P 1.
Aranovich-L-Y. Berman-R-G.
Optimized standard state and solution properties of minerals. P 25.
Divariant and trivariant reaction line slopes in FMAS and CFMAS:
heory and applications. P 38.
Feldstein-S-N. Lange-R-A. Vennemann-T. O'Neil-J-R.
Ferric-ferrous ratios, H_[2]O contents and D/H ratios of phlogopite
and biotite from lavas of different tectonic regimes. P 51.
Villa-I-M. Grobety-B. Kelley-S-P. Trigila-R. Wieler-R.
Assessing Ar transport paths and mechanisms in the McClure
Mountains hornblende. P 67.
Sisson-T-W. Grove-T-L. Coleman-D-S.
Hornblende gabbro sill complex at Onion Valley, California, and a
mixing origin for the Sierra Nevada batholith. P 81.
Feenstra-A. Peters-T.
Experimental determination of activities in FeTiO_[3]-MnTiO_[3]
lmenite solid solution by redox reversals. P 109.
Brophy-J-G. Dorais-M-J. Donnelly-Nolan-J. Singer-B-S.
Plagioclase zonation styles in hornblende gabbro inclusions from
Little Glass Mountain, Medicine Lake volcano, California:
mplications for fractionation mechanisms and the formation of
composition gaps. P 121.
Ganguly-J. Cheng-W. Tirone-M.
Thermodynamics of aluminosilicate garnet solid solution: new
experimental data, an optimized model, and thermometric
applications. P 137.
Inger-S. Ramsbotham-W. Cliff-R-A. Rex-D-C.
Metamorphic evolution of the Sesia-Lanzo Zone, Western Alps: time
constraints from multi-system geochronology. P 152.
Shaw-R-K. Arima-M.
High-temperature metamorphic imprint on calc-silicate granulites of
Rayagada, Eastern Ghats, India: implication for the isobaric
cooling path. P 169.
Franz-L. Brey-G-P. Okrusch-M.
Steady state geotherm, thermal disturbances, and tectonic
development of the lower lithosphere underneath the Gibeon
Kimberlite Province, Namibia. P 181.
Fowler-M-B. Henney-P-J.
Mixed Caledonian appinite magmas: implications for lamprophyre
ractionation and high Ba-Sr granite genesis. P 199.