Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Volume 127 Number 1/2 (1997)

ISSN 0010-7999

AU Lee-W.  Wyllie-P-J.
TI Liquid immiscibility between nephelinite and carbonatite from 1.0
   to 2.5 GPa compared with mantle melt compositions.       P 1.

AU Icenhower-J-P.  London-D.
TI Partitioning of fluorine and chlorine between biotite and granitic
   melt: experimental calibration at 200 MPa H_[2]O.        P 17.

AU Springer-W.  Seck-H-A.
TI Partial fusion of basic granulites at 5 to 15 kbar: implications
   for the origin of TTG magmas.                            P 30.

AU Hodson-M-E.  Finch-A-A.
TI Trough structures in the Western syenite of Kungnat, S Greenland:
   mineralogy and mechanism of formation.                   P 46.

AU Schmaedicke-E.  Evans-B-W.
TI Garnet-bearing ultramafic rocks from the Erzgebirge, and their
   relation to other settings in the Bohemian Massif.       P 57.

AU Ashwal-L-D.  Cairncross-B.
TI Mineralogy and origin of stichtite in chromite-bearing
   serpentinites.                                           P 75.

AU Hawkins-D-P.  Bowring-S-A.
TI U-Pb systematics of monazite and xenotime: case studies from the
   Paleoproterozoic of the Grand Canyon, Arizona.           P 87.

AU Mysen-B.
TI Aluminosilicate melts: structure, composition and temperature.
                                                            P 104.
AU Williamson-B-J.  Stanley-C-J.  Wilkinson-J-J.
TI Implications from inclusions in topaz for greisenisation and
   mineralisation in the Hensbarrow topaz granite, Cornwall, England.
                                                            P 119.
AU Jakobsson-S.
TI Solubility of water and carbon dioxide in an icelandite at 1400
   degreeC and 10 kilobars.                                 P 129.

AU Brugger-J.  Giere-R.  Graeser-S.  Meisser-N.
TI The crystal chemistry of romeite.                        P 136.

AU Stiefenhofer-J.  Viljoen-K-S.  Marsh-J-S.
TI Petrology and geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths from the
   Letlhakane kimberlites, Botswana.                        P 147.

AU Cornejo-P-C.  Mahood-G-A.
TI Seeing past the effects of re-equilibration to reconstruct magmatic
   gradients in plutons: La Gloria Pluton, central Chilean Andes.
                                                            P 159.

AU Kress-V.
TI Thermochemistry of sulfide liquids. I. the system O-S-Fe at 1 bar.
                                                            P 176.

AU Zangana-N-A.  Downes-H.  Thirlwall-M-F.  Hegner-E.
TI Relationship between deformation, equilibration temperatures, REE
   and radiogenic isotopes in mantle xenoliths (Ray Pic, Massif
   Central, France): an example of plume-lithosphere interaction?.
                                                             P 187.