Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2006, V 151, N 1.
Zircon U-Pb geochronology and elemental and Sr–Nd
isotope geochemistry of Permian mafic rocks
in the Funing area, SW China
Mei-Fu Zhou, Jun-Hong Zhao, Liang Qi,
Wenchao Su, Ruizhong Hu
(1 - 19)
Deciphering the source and contamination history
of peraluminous magmas using o~18O of accessory
minerals: examples from garnet-bearing plutons
of the Sierra Nevada batholith
Jade Star Lackey, John W. Valley, Hans J. Hinke
(20 - 44)
Directional chemical variations in diamonds
showing octahedral following cuboid growth
D. A. Zedgenizov, B. Harte, Edinburgh Ion Microprobe
Facility (EIMF), V. S. Shatsky, A. A. Politov,
G. M. Rylov, N. V. Sobolev
(45 - 57)
Magmatic residence times of zoned phenocrysts:
introduction and application of the binary
element diffusion modelling (BEDM) technique
D.J. Morgan and S. Blake
(58 - 70)
Mixing and differentiation in the Oruanui
rhyolitic magma, Taupo, New Zealand:
evidence from volatiles and trace
elements in melt inclusions
Yang Liu, Alfred T. Anderson,
Colin J. N. Wilson, Andrew M. Davis, Ian M. Steele
(71 - 87)
Two melting regimes during Paleogene flood
basalt generation in East Greenland:
combined REE and PGE modelling
Peter Momme, Christian Tegner, C. Kent Brooks,
Reid R. Keays
(88 - 100)
Grain growth in partially molten olivine aggregates
Ulrich H. Faul and Dean Scott
(101 - 111)
Temperature-dependent isotopic fractionation
of lithium between clinopyroxene and
high-pressure hydrous fluids
Bernd Wunder, Anette Meixner, Rolf L. Romer,
Wilhelm Heinrich
(112 - 120)