Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 1997, Volume 130 Number 1

ISSN 0010-7999
AU Lange-R-A.
TI A revised model for the density and thermal expansivity of
   K_[2]O-Na_[2]O-CaO-MgO-Al_[2]O_[3]-SiO_[2] liquids from 700 to
   1900 K: extension to crustal magmatic temperatures.
         P 1.

AU Wolf-M-B.  London-D.
TI Boron in granitic magmas: stability of tourmaline in equilibrium
   with biotite and cordierite.
                                P 12.

AU Dorais-M-J.  Lira-R.  Chen-Y.  Tingey-D.
TI Origin of biotite-apatite-rich enclaves, Achala batholith,
                                                  P 31.

AU Knudsen-T-L.  Andersen-T.  Whitehouse-M-J.  Vestin-J.
TI Detrital zircon ages from southern Norway - implications for the
   Proterozoic evolution of the southwestern Baltic Shield.
                                                                P 47.

AU Klemme-S.  O'Neill-H-S-C.
TI The reaction MgCr_[2]O_[4] + SiO_[2] = Cr_[2]O_[3] + MgSiO_[3] and
   the free energy of formation of magnesiochromite (MgCr_[2]O_[4]).
                                                                P 59.

AU Watson-E-B.  Wark-D-A.
TI Diffusion of dissolved SiO_[2] in H_[2]O at 1 GPa, with
   implications for mass transport in the crust and upper mantle.
                                                                P 66.

AU Meurer-W-P.  Klaber-S.  Boudreau-A-E.
TI Discordant bodies from olivine-bearing zones III and IV of the
   Stillwater Complex, Montana - evidence for postcumulus fluid
   migration and reaction in layered intrusions.
               P 81.

AU Nakamura-D.  Banno-S.
TI Thermodynamic modelling of sodic pyroxene solid-solution and its
   application in a garnet-omphacite-kyanite-coesite
   geothermobarometer for UHP metamorphic rocks.
               P 93.