Computers & Geosciences, 1999, V 25, N 5, Jul.

ISSN 0098-3004
  Multivariate analyses of Erzgebirge granite and rhyolite composition:
  implications for classification of granites and their genetic relations.
  Forster HJ; Davis JC; Tischendorf G; Seltmann R.
  pp 533-546
  Three-dimensional hydrodynamical modelling of viscous flow around a
  rotating ellipsoidal inclusion. 
  Jezek J; Saic S; Segeth K; Schulmann K.
  pp 547-558
  Computing effective discharge with S-PLUS. 
  Orndorff RL; Whiting PJ.
  pp 559-565
  Image modelling of forest changes associated with acid mine drainage.
  Walsworth NA; King DJ.
  pp 567-580
  Visualization of complex geological structures using 3-D Bezier
  construction tools. 
  de Kemp EA.
  pp 581-597
  Primary mineral connectivity of polyphasic igneous rocks by high-quality
  digitisation and 2D image analysis. 
  Sardini P; Moreau E; Sammartino S; Touchard G.
  pp 599-608
  BGT: a FORTRAN 77 computer program for biotite-garnet geothermometry.
  Jowhar TN.
  pp 609-620
  Another node on the Internet.
  Butler JC.
  pp 621-622