Computers and Geosciences, 1998, V 24, N 10.

pp 911-921
Specism: A fortran-77 program for conditional spectral simulation in 3d
T Yao

pp 923-931
Matlab algorithm for grayscale analysis of carbonate cyclicity: example
application to demopolis chalk (cretaceous, Alabama)
JD Warren, TS Denney, CE Savrda

pp 933-951
Optimising the application of the hough transform for automatic feature
extraction from geoscientific images
NC Fitton, SJD Cox

pp 953-963
NOLISM: a pc program for tha evaluation of parameters describing the
non-linear dynamic behaviour of soil materials
GA Athanasopoulos, TB Panagiotakos, SA Maravegias

pp 965-978
A software "tool kit" in c for the application of spherical geodesic grids
in paleoclimatology
TL Moore

pp 979-990
Numerical simulation of ground water mounding and its verification by
hele-shaw model
TS Tsay, JA Hoopes

pp 991-1008
MHPT.BAS: a computer program for modified hill-piper diagrams for
classification of groundwater
NS Rao

pp 1009-1020
Gravity measurements and terrain corrections using a digital terrain model
in the himalaya
P Banerjee

pp 1021-1027
SIMOCF: modeling fractional crystallization using a Monte Carlo approach
SP Verma, R Ciriaco-Villanueva, IS Torres-Alvardo

pp 1031-1031
Book review: spatial database transfer standards 2: charateristics for
assessing standards and full description of the national and international
standards in the world
D Perugini

Author index,take from 24/1-10

Keywords index, take from 24/1-10