Tables of Contents service for
Chemical Physics
Volume 221, Issue 1-2, 15 August 1997
- N2O2, N2O?2 and N2O2?2: structures, energetics and N-N bonding
Snis, A. and Panas, I.
page 1-10
- The electronic spectroscopy of 1,2,3-triazine
Fischer, G., Smith, D.M. and Nwankwoala, A.U.
page 11-21
- Fine atomic image of mica cleavage planes obtained with an atomic force microscope (AFM) and a novel procedure for image processing
Baba, M., Kakitani, S., Ishii, H. and Okuno, T.
page 23-31
- Ab initio quasidiabatic states for the reaction N + CH -> NC + H
Thurwachter, R. and Halvick, P.
page 33-44
- Adapted Gaussian basis sets for closed-shell atoms from samarium to nobelium generated with the generator coordinate Dirac-Fock method
Jorge, F.E., Barreto, M.T. and da Silva, A.B.F.
page 45-51
- Cross peak intensities in two-dimensional four-pulse electron spin echo modulation spectra of deuteriums in single crystals
Poppl, A. and Bottcher, R.
page 53-66
- Optical paralysis in electronically congested systems: application to large-amplitude vibrational motion of ground state Na2
Malinovsky, V.S., Meier, C. and Tannor, D.J.
page 67-76
- Intermediate coupling strength pre-dissociation of diatomic molecules: transition from diabatic to adiabatic case
Qin, W., McCoy, D.G., Torop, L. and Blake, A.J.
page 77-84
- On the Forster model: Computational and ultrafast studies of electronic energy transport
Rieger, P.T., Palese, S.P. and Dwayne Miller, R.J.
page 85-102
- Orthogonal transformations in the line space and modelling of rotational relaxation in the Raman spectra of linear tops
Kouzov, A.P. and Buldyreva, J.V.
page 103-119
- Characterization of reduced porphyrinatozinc(II) complexes by EPR/ENDOR/TRIPLE and optical absorption spectroscopy
Pawlik, J., Gherghel, L., Karabunarliev, S. and Baumgarten, M.
page 121-133
- Absolute oscillator strengths for the valence and inner (P 2p,2s) shell photoabsorption, photoionization, and ionic photofragmentation of PF5
Au, J.W. and Brion, C.E.
page 135-149
- Quantitative spectroscopic studies of the valence-shell electronic excitation of Freons (CFCl3, CF2Cl2, CF3Cl, and CF4) in the VUV and soft X-ray regions
Au, J.W., Burton, G.R. and Brion, C.E.
page 151-168
- High-resolution absorption cross section measurements of NO2 in the UV and visible region
Yoshino, K., Esmond, J.R. and Parkinson, W.H.
page 169-174
- High-resolution threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of hydrogen iodide
Cormack, A.J., Yencha, A.J., Donovan, R.J., Lawley, K.P., Hopkirk, A. and King, G.C.
page 175-188
- Experimental and theoretical investigations of the X-ray absorption near edge spectra (XANES) of P4O6 and P4O6X (X = O, S, Se)
Engemann, C., Kohring, G., Pantelouris, A., Hormes, J., Grimme, S., Peyerimhoff, S.D., Clade, J., Frick, F. and Jansen, M.
page 189-198
- Positron annihilation study in binary molecular solid solutions of metal acetylacetonate complexes using positron annihilation lifetime (PAL) and Doppler broadening (DBS) spectroscopies
Porto, A.O., Magalhaes, W.F., Fernandes, N.G. and Machado, J.C.
page 199-208
- Rate constants for the chemical and physical quenching of Cd(53PJ) by H2O and D2O
Umemoto, H. and Ohsako, N.
page 209-214
- Spatial separation of mixtures of CH3I + Ar in a pulsed supersonic jet
Malakhovskii, A. and Gedanken, A.
page 215-223
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