Tables of Contents service for
Chemical Physics
Volume 215, Issue 2, 15 February 1997
- On the O2 (
_) + O2 (
") atmospheric reaction: a quasiclassical trajectory study
Varandas, A.J.C. and Wang, W.
page 167-182
- Theoretical study of the low-lying excited states of ABCO, DABCO and homologous cage amines
Galasso, V.
page 183-190
- Imaging of the HOMO electron density in Cr(CO)6, Mo(CO)6 and W(CO)6 by electron momentum spectroscopy: a comparison with Hartree-Fock and DFT calculations
Rolke, J., Zheng, Y., Brion, C.E., Chakravorty, S.J., Davidson, E.R. and McCarthy, I.E.
page 191-205
- Comparison of the numerical matrix multiplication and quantum Monte Carlo simulations: calculation of spatial delocalization parameters
Schmidt, R.G., Bohm, M.C. and Brickmann, J.
page 207-215
- Is He H? a stable system?
Bendazzoli, G.L., Evangelisti, S. and Passarini, F.
page 217-225
- Interaction forces and energy transfer dynamics of LiH (1
+) and helium atoms. I. The ab initio evaluation of the lowest potential energy surface
Gianturco, F.A., Kumar, S., Pathak, S.K., Raimondi, M., Sironi, M., Gerratt, J. and Cooper, D.L.
page 227-238
- Interaction forces and energy transfer dynamics of LiH(1
+) and helium atoms II. Rotationally inelastic collisions and excitation efficiency
Gianturco, F.A., Kumar, S., Pathak, S.K., Raimondi, M. and Sironi, M.
page 239-252
- Rotation/precession of NH3 groups in Hofmann clathrates
Neumann, M. and Kearley, G.J.
page 253-260
- The effect of middle range forces on the rate constant of a fast chemical reaction within adiabatic capture theory
Beghin, A. and Stoecklin, T.
page 261-270
- Evaluation of luminescence decay measurements probed on pure and doped Pt(IV) hexahalogeno complexes I. Exponential rise time and decay curves applying various statistical tests
Biertumpel, I. and Schmidtke, H.
page 271-284
- Single electron capture in low-energy Kr+-He collisions
Martinez, H. and Hernandez, J.M.
page 285-289
- The van der Waals vibrational frequencies of the aniline-carbon monoxide complex in its S1 state
Jackel, J., Schmid, R., Jones, H., Nakanaga, T. and Takeo, H.
page 291-298
- Probing the many energy-transfer processes in the photosynthetic light-harvesting complex II at 77 K using energy-selective sub-picosecond transient absorption spectroscopy
Visser, H.M., Kleima, F.J., van Stokkum, I.H.M., van Grondelle, R. and van Amerongen, H.
page 299
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