Tables of Contents service for
Volume 209, Issue 2-3 Special Issue: Structure and Reactivity of Molecular Ions, 15 September 1996
- Pulsed-field ionization spectroscopy of CO via the E1_ state and NO via the B2_ state
Mackenzie, S.R., Halse, E.J., Gordon, E., Rolland, D. and Softley, T.P.
page 127-141
- Dissociation of the COS+ ion by photoionisation: experiment and ab initio calculations The A-X Franck-Condon energy gap and the A2
, B2
+ vibronic state Franck-Condon energy regions
Hubin-Franskin, M.-J., Delwiche, J., Guyon, P.-M., Richard-Viard, M., Lavollee, M., Dutuit, O., Robbe, J.-M. and Flament, J.-P.
page 143-157
- Experimental study of the dissociation of selected internal energy ions produced in low quantities: application to N2O+ ions in the Franck-Condon gap and to small ionic water clusters
Richard-Viard, M., Delboulbe, A. and Vervloet, M.
page 159-167
- An electron impact ionization slit-jet apparatus for laser absorption spectroscopy
Ruchti, T., Rohrbacher, A., Speck, T., Connelly, J.P., Bieske, E.J. and Maier, J.P.
page 169-175
- A state-selected study of Ar+(2P3/2,½) + O2 charge transfer at collision energies below 4 eV using synchrotron radiation and guided beam techniques
Dutuit, O., Alcaraz, C., Gerlich, D., Guyon, P.M., Hepburn, J., Metayer-Zeitoun, C., Ozenne, J.B., Schweizer, M. and T., W.
page 177-194
- Charge transfer and atomic rearrangement in collisions of Ar+(2P½,3/2) with H2 measured with a new PEPICO apparatus
Uiterwaal, C.J.G.J., van der Weg, J., van Eck, J., van Emmichoven, P.A.Z. and Niehaus, A.
page 195-203
- Auto-ionization of the collisional complexes of metastable neon and H2, D2, or HD
Brunetti, B., Falcinelli, S., Sassara, A., de Andres, J. and Vecchiocattivi, F.
page 205-216
- Electronic excitation processes in the collisional system Na(32S) + Rb+(1S)
Na* + Rb+(1S) by crossed molecular beams in the 0.1-5.0 keV energy range
Romero, T., de Andres, J., Alberti, M., Lucas, J.M. and Aguilar, A.
page 217-226
- Charge transfer of krypton ions with methane molecules from thermal energy to 10 eV
Tosi, P., Delvai, C., Bassi, D., Dmitriev, O., Cappelletti, D. and Vecchiocattivi, F.
page 227-233
- Differential cross sections, measured with guided ion beams: applications to N+ + N2 and C2H+2 + C2D4 collisions
Mark, S. and Gerlich, D.
page 235-257
- Reactions of H_, D_ and HD_ transfer between an ethylene cation and propane CH3CD2CH3: a study of kinetics using state-selected reactants
Dutuit, O., Palm, H., Berthomieu, D. and Herman, Z.
page 259-264
- Deuteration of positive hydrogen cluster ions H+5 to H+17 at 10 K
Paul, W., Schlemmer, S., Lucke, B. and Gerlich, D.
page 265-274
- Photodissociation, charge and atom transfer processes in electronically excited states of N+3
Bennett, F.R., Maier, J.P., Chambaud, G. and Rosmus, P.
page 275-280
- Ab initio calculations for Ar+2, He+2 and He+3, of interest for the modelling of ionic rare-gas clusters
Gadea, F.X. and Paidarova, I.
page 281-290
- Simulation of the Ar+3 absorption spectrum using Molecular Dynamics
Bastida, A. and Gadea, F.X.
page 291-298
- Range and strength of interatomic forces: dispersion and induction contributions to the bonds of dications and of ionic molecules
Aquilanti, V., Cappelletti, D. and Pirani, F.
page 299-311
- Diabatic excited states of the (HeH2)+ molecular ion for the charge exchange-excitation reaction: He+ + H2
HeH+ + H*
Sidis, V.
page 313-326
- Theoretical investigation of the Ar+(J) + H2
ArH+ + H reaction: semiclassical coupled wavepacket treatment
Sizun, M., Aguillon, F., Sidis, V., Zenevich, V., Billing, G.D. and Markovic, N.
page 327-353
- A quasiclassical and approximate quantum mechanical study of the intramolecular isotope effect in proton transfer elementary reactions: the Ne + HD+
NeH+(NeD+) + D(H) system at low and moderate collision energies (0.02-0.77 eV)
Gonzalez, M., Blasco, R.M., Gimenez, X. and Aguilar, A.
page 355-365
- Theoretical picture of the dynamics of the autoionization event in He(23S)-H2 Penning ionization: collision energy dependence
Vojtik, J.
page 367-376
- Semi-classical treatment of chemical reactions
Billing, G.D. and Markovic, N.
page 377-388
- Theoretical charge-transfer cross sections for H+ + HCl(X1
H(2Sg) + HCl+(A 2
+) II: classical path trajectory calculations
Kuntz, P.J., Paidarova, I. and Polak, R.
page 389-404
- Alternative Sturmian bases and momentum space orbitals: an application to the hydrogen molecular ion
Aquilanti, V., Cavalli, S., Coletti, C. and Grossi, G.
page 405-419
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