Tables of Contents service for
Volume 206, Issue 1-2, 15 May 1996
- A theoretical study of tunneling in the (HCCH)2 complex
Resende, S.M. and De Almeida, W.B.
page 1-8
- Diffusion coefficients of ions in lighter gases in an electric field
Ferrari, L.
page 9-34
- The structure of Li_7 and K_7
Bauschlicher, C.W. Jr.
page 35-42
- Theoretical study of isomeric structures and low-lying electronic states of the vinyl radical C2H3
Jeng-Han, W., Hung-Chang, C. and Yit-Tsong, C.
page 43-56
- Rotational constants and dipole moments of interstellar polyynes: a comparative MP2 and density functional (BP86) study
Moliner, V., Andres, J., Arnau, A., Silla, E. and Tunon, I.
page 57-61
- Real-time path-integral approach for general two-state multi-mode vibronic-coupling models
Krempl, S., Domcke, W. and Winterstetter, M.
page 63-72
- A semiempirical approach to nonlinear optical properties of large molecules at the MNDO and MNDO/d level
Malagoli, M. and Thiel, W.
page 73-85
- Dynamical coupling of the diatom vibrational motions in collisions of N2 with N+2
Sohlberg, K. and Szalewicz, K.
page 87-101
- Classical trajectory study of collision induced intramolecular energy transfer in trans-stilbene
Bolton, K. and Nordholm, S.
page 103-128
- Time resolved incoherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy of dichloromethane
Hofmann, M. and Graener, H.
page 129-137
- Angular and energy analysis of HeH+ products from the charge exchange excitation reaction He+ + H2
HeH+ + H
Dhuicq, D., Lehner, O., Linder, F. and Sidis, V.
page 139-159
- Vibrational and vibration-rotational spectroscopy of CBrClF2 (Halon-1211)
McNaughton, d., Robertson, E.G. and Shanks, F.
page 161-171
- Controlled formation of state selected SiO metastables using a new pyrolysis source
Stephens, J.M. and Gole, J.L.
page 173-183
- Predissociation rates in the B2
_ state of CH
Luque, J. and Crosley, D.R.
page 185-192
- The deactivation of singlet excited all-trans-1,6-diphenylhexa-1,3,5-triene by intermolecular charge transfer processes. 1. Mechanisms of fluorescence quenching and of triplet and cation formation
Schael, F. and Lohmannsroben, H.-G.
page 193-210
- A photoelectron study of the electronic structure of (
-C6H6)Cr(CO)3 and (
-C5H5)Mn(CO)3 using variable photon energy
Field, C.N., Green, J.C., Moody, A.G.J. and Siggel, M.R.F.
page 211-223
- The appearance of CH+3 ions from methyl halides by non-resonant photoionization. A translational energy surprisal analysis. Part I. CH3F
Momigny, J. and Locht, R.
page 225-236
- Dissociative excitation of aliphatic hydrocarbons (C2H2n: n = 1, 2, 3) by fast argon ion impact: Rovibrational distribution of CH(A 2
Tokeshi, M., Nakashima, K. and Ogawa, T.
page 237-243
- Diffusion coefficients of two metastable states of the nitrogen molecule
Haydon, S.C., Fewell, M.P., Ernest, A.D. and Baldwin, M.J.
page 245-256
- Identification of slowly diffusing metastable states of the nitrogen molecule
Fewell, M.P., Haydon, S.C. and Ernest, A.D.
page 257-267
- Schumann--Runge bands of O2 in Ar, Kr and Xe matrices revisited: potential curves of the B 3
_u state
Gudipati, M.S.
page 269
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