Tables of Contents service for
Volume 205, Issue 3, 1 May 1996
- The role of spin-orbit coupling and symmetry in photochemical rearrangements of
-unsaturated cyclic ketones
Ming-Der, S
page 277-308
- Theory of resonance Raman optical activity: the single electronic state limit
Nafie, L.A.
page 309-322
- Second-order perturbation theory using correlated orbitals. II. A coupled MCSCF perturbation strategy for electronic spectra and its applications to ethylene, formaldehyde and vinylidene
Parisel, O. and Ellinger, Y.
page 323-349
- Nuclear quadrupole coupling constants of BeH, BeH+ and BeH_: ab initio study of their rovibrational dependence
Fiser, J. and Vojtik, J.
page 351-358
- Empty levels in germanium compounds studied by XAS, ISEELS, ETS, DEAS and ab initio calculations: GeH4, GeCl4 and Ge(CH3)3Cl
Guillot, F., Dezarnaud-Dandine, C., Tronc, M., Modelli, A., Lisini, A., Decleva, P. and Fronzoni, G.
page 359-378
- Isosteric heat of adsorption for monolayers of Lennard-Jones fluids onto flat surfaces
Mulero, A. and Cuadros, F.
page 379-388
- Ground and low-lying excited state properties of the first-row transition-metal oxide diatomics calculated by an improved ASED-MO model
Bakalbassis, E.G., Stiakaki, M.D., Tsipis, A.C. and Tsipis, C.A.
page 389-399
- A route to inversion for rotational collisions using hard shape potentials
Belchior, J.C. and Braga, J.P.
page 401-406
- An experimental study of the influence of the molecular symmetry upon the FIR interaction induced absorption intensities in binary liquid mixtures
Zoidis, E.
page 407-419
- Absolute photoabsorption (6-350 eV) and photoionization (11-80 eV) of methyl chloride using dipole electron scattering and synchrotron radiation spectroscopies
Olney, T.N., Cooper, G., Wing, F.C., Burton, G.R., Brion, C.E. and K., H.T.
page 421-439
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