Tables of Contents service for
Volume 198, Issue 3, 15 September 1995
- Tunneling splittings in model 2D potentials. III. V(X, Y) =
(X2 _ X20)2 _ CXY + 1/2kY2 + (C2/2k)X2. Generalization to N-dimensional case
Benderskii, V.A., Grebenshchikov, S.Yu. and Mil'nikov, G.V.
page 281-295
- Classical dynamics of vibrational-translational energy transfer in linear collisions of an atom and a diatomic molecule/anharmonic oscillator
Skrebkov, O.V. and Smirnov, A.L.
page 297-310
- Molecular polaron states in polyacene crystals. Formation and transfer processes
Silinsh, E.A., Klimkans, A., Larsson, S. and Capek, V.
page 311-331
- Ab initio CI study of the electronic spectrum of bismuth iodide employing relativistic effective core potentials
Alekseyev, A.B., Das, K.K., Liebermann, H., Buenker, R.J. and Hirsch, G.
page 333-344
- SCF and electron correlation studies on structure, force constants and vibrational spectra of borane monoammoniate complex
Vijay, A. and Sathyanarayana, D.N.
page 345-352
- Orientation factor in Forster energy transfer with photoselection of donor and acceptor
Nickel, B.
page 353-371
- Picosecond time-dependent Stokes shift studies of fluoroprobe in liquid solution
Middelhoek, E.R., van der Meulen, P., Verhoeven, J.W. and Glasbeek, M.
page 373-380
- A study of the absolute photoabsorption, photoionisation and photodissociation cross sections and the photoionisation quantum efficiency of carbon dioxide from the ionisation threshold to 345 Å
Shaw, D.A., Holland, D.M.P., Hayes, M.A., MacDonald, M.A., Hopkirk, A. and McSweeney, S.M.
page 381-396
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