Tables of Contents service for
Volume 196, Issue 1-2, 15 June 1995
- A theoretical study on the structure of acetonitrile (CH3CN) and its anion CH3CN_
Gutsev, G.L., Sobolewski, A.L. and Adamowicz, L.
page 1-11
- Valence electron momentum distributions of ethylene; comparison of EMS measurements with near Hartree-Fock limit, configuration interaction and density functional theory calculations
Hollebone, B.P., Neville, J.J., Zheng, Y., Brion, C.E., Wang, Y. and Davidson, E.R.
page 13-35
- Pseudopotential calculations for the potential energies of LiHe and BaHe
Czuchaj, E., Rebentrost, F., Stoll, H. and Preuss, H.
page 37-46
- Near-edge core photoabsorption in polyacenes: model molecules for graphite
Agren, H., Vahtras, O. and Carravetta, V.
page 47-58
- Dissociation of acetyl bromide: an experimental and theoretical study
Y., S., Dibble, T.S., Francisco, J.S. and Z., L.
page 59-67
- Local description of a polyenic radical cation
Karafiloglou, P. and Kapsomenos, G.
page 69-79
- Representations of dispersion energy damping functions for interactions of closed shell atoms and molecules
Dham, A.K., Allnatt, A.R., Koide, A. and Meath, W.J.
page 81-99
- On electron localization in periodic (C2HnCl4_n)x polymers
Springborg, M.
page 101-112
- Control of quantum dynamics by a locally optimized laser field. Multi-photon dissociation of hydrogen fluoride
Sugawara, M. and Fujimura, Y.
page 113-124
- Exchange-Coulomb potential energy surfaces, and related physical properties, for Kr-N2
Dham, A.K. and Meath, W.J.
page 125-138
- Diffusion of silver ions towards radiation-induced traps in the glass 37.2Na2O-12.8CaO-50P2O5
Syutkin, V.M., Tolkatchev, V.A., Dmitryuk, A.V. and Paramzina, S.E.
page 139-147
- Transfer of vibrational energy to electronic excited states and vibration enhanced carbon production in optically excited V-V pumped CO
Wallaart, H.L., Piar, B., Perrin, M. and Martin, J.
page 149-169
- Far infrared interaction induced absorption spectra of CS2-C6H6 liquid mixtures. A low concentration study
Zoidis, E. and Dorfmuller, T.
page 171-178
- IR spectrum of HCF2CF2Br: hindered intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution
Fu, W., Kompa, K.L. and Weizbauer, S.
page 179-192
- Evidence for molecular distortion involving the carbonyl group in triplet states of carbonyl derivatives of naphthalene obtained from time resolved vibrational spectroscopic studies
van der Burgt, M.J., Huizer, A.H., Varma, C.A.G.O., Wagner, B.D. and Lusztyk, J.
page 193-210
- Quantum beat spectroscopic studies of Zeeman anticrossings in the A 1Au state of the acetylene molecule (C2H2)
Dupre, P., Green, P.G. and Field, R.W.
page 211-238
- Study of Zeeman anticrossing spectra of the A1 Au state of the acetylene molecule (C2H2) by Fourier transform: product vib _ V _ and isomerization barrier
Dupre, P.
page 239-266
- Photochemical population of KHg* states
Azinovic, D., Milosevic, S. and Pichler, G.
page 267-273
- Investigation of the predissociation of SO2: state selective detection of the SO and O fragments
Becker, S., Braatz, C., Lindner, J. and Tiemann, E.
page 275-291
- Absolute oscillator strengths for the photoabsorption of silane in the valence and Si 2p and 2s regions (7.5-350 eV)
Cooper, G., Burton, G.R., Chan, W.F. and Brion, C.E.
page 293-306
- Influence of aggregation on the optical spectra of a polymethine dye in single crystals
Dahne, L., Horvath, A. and Weiser, G.
page 307-316
- Diffusion of molecular oxygen in glassy matrices, studied by luminescence quenching
Korolev, V.V., Bolotsky, V.V., Shokhirev, N.V., Krissinel', E.B., Bagryansky, V.A. and Bazhin, N.M.
page 317-325
- Single vibronic level fluorescence spectra from A (1B2u) benzene: Fermi resonances and S0 IVR lifetimes
Nicholson, J.A., Lawrance, W.D. and Fischer, G.
page 327-351
- The use of UV photoelectron spectroscopy to monitor production of excited states of atomic lead from the Pb(3P0) + O2(a1g) reaction
Haggerston, D., Dyke, J.M. and Morris, A.
page 353-361
- Energy partitioning in photodissociation of methyl, ethyl and n-propyl iodides at 304 nm
Kang, W.K., Jung, K.W., Kim, D.C., Jung, K. and Im, H.
page 363-370
- Angular momentum state mixing and quenching of n = 3 atomic hydrogen fluorescence
Preppernau, B.L., Pearce, K., Tserepi, A., Wurzberg, E. and Miller, T.A.
page 371-381
- Role of internal conversion on the excited state properties of trans-styrylpyridines
Marconi, G., Bartocci, G., Mazzucato, U., Spalletti, A., Abbate, F., Angeloni, L. and Castellucci, E.
page 383-393
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