Tables of Contents service for
Volume 195, Issue 1-3, 1 June 1995
- Mixed-valence polyoxometalate clusters. I. Delocalization of electronic pairs in dodecanuclear heteropoly blues with Keggin structure
Borras-Almenar, J.J., Clemente, J.M., Coronado, E. and Tsukerblat, B.S.
page 1-15
- Mixed-valence polyoxometalate clusters. II. Delocalization of electronic pairs in 18-site heteropoly blues with Wells-Dawson structure
Borras-Almenar, J.J., Clemente, J.M., Coronado, E. and Tsukerblat, B.S.
page 17-28
- Mixed-valence polyoxometalate clusters. III. Vibronic problem for the 2-electron reduced heteropoly blue with the Keggin structure
Borras-Almenar, J.J., Clemente, J.M., Coronado, E. and Tsukerblat, B.S.
page 29-47
- Intraconfigurational transitions in tetrahedral d2 ions: on the expediency of the ligand field model for transition metal ions in high-oxidations states
Atanasov, M.
page 49-58
- A perturbation treatment of oscillating magnetic fields in the radical pair mechanism using the Liouville equation
Canfield, J.M., Belford, R.L., Debrunner, P.G. and Schulten, K.
page 59-69
- Formally tetravalent cerium and thorium compounds: a configuration interaction study of cerocene Ce(C8H8)2 and thorocene Th(C8H8)2 using energy-adjusted quasirelativistic ab initio pseudopotentials
Dolg, M., Fulde, P., Stoll, H., Preuss, H., Chang, A. and Pitzer, R.M.
page 71-82
- Vibrational relaxation models for dilute shock heated gases
Gonzales, D.A. and Varghese, P.L.
page 83-91
- Dielectric relaxation of binary dipolar liquids
Chandra, A.
page 93-105
- An MO study of nuclear quadrupolar coupling constant and nuclear shielding of the carbonyl oxygen in solid peptides with hydrogen bonds
Kuroki, S., Ando, S. and Ando, I.
page 107-116
- A theoretical study on the ionic states, with analysis of vibrational levels of the photoelectron spectrum, of formic acid (CH2O2 and CD2O2)
Takeshita, K.
page 117-127
- Intensities of CH-stretching overtones in 2-butenes
Turnbull, D.M., Kjaergaard, H.G. and Henry, B.R.
page 129-141
- On solitonic defects in hydrogen-bonded (HF)x
Springborg, M.
page 143-155
- Accurate magnetizabilities of the isoelectronic series BeH_, BH, and CH+. The MCSCF-GIAO approach
Ruud, K., Helgaker, T., Bak, K.L., J_rgensen, P. and Olsen, J.
page 157-169
- Correlation effects in core and valence photoelectron spectra of alkene molecules
Fronzoni, G., De Alti, G., Decleva, P. and Lisini, A.
page 171-193
- The effect of rotational excitation on the reaction 18O(3P) + 16O16O(3
_g) + 16O(3P). A comparison of quasiclassical and hemiquantal hyperspherical dynamics
Chajia, M. and Jacon, M.
page 195-206
- Free energies and structures of hydrated cations, based on effective pair potentials
Floris, F., Persico, M., Tani, A. and Tomasi, J.
page 207-220
- Molecular dynamics studies on the structure of methanol-water solutions of NaCl
Hawlicka, E. and Swiatla-Wojcik, D.
page 221-233
- Reaction cross-section and product polarization in the Ca(1D2) + HBr
CaBr(A,B) + H reaction
Garay, M., Esteban, M., Verdasco, E. and Gonzalez Urena, A.
page 235-242
- A test of the semiclassical Wigner method for the reaction F + H2
H + HF
Azriel, V.M., Billing, G.D., Rusin, L.Yu. and Sevryuk, M.B.
page 243-258
- Rate constant calculations for atom-diatom reactions involving an open shell atom and a molecule in a _ electronic state: Application to the C(3P) + NO(X 2_) reaction
Beghin, A., Stoecklin, T. and Rayez, J.C.
page 259-270
- Dynamic orientation of diatomic fragments formed in the decomposition of statistical triatomic complexes. I. Semiclassical study
Berengolts, A., Dashevskaya, E.I., Nikitin, E.E. and Troe, J.
page 271-281
- Dynamic orientation of diatomic fragments formed in the decomposition of statistical triatomic complexes. II. Classical simulation
Berengolts, A., Dashevskaya, E.I., Nikitin, E.E. and Troe, J.
page 283-289
- Quasiclassical trajectory study of the F + H2 system. Rate constants, kinetic isotope effects and energy partitioning among reaction products
Rosenman, E. and Persky, A.
page 291-303
- The influence of deep traps for gas molecules on oxygen transport in the glass of 2-methylpentanol-2
Vasenkov, S.V., Korolev, V.V. and Tolkatchev, V.A.
page 305-311
- H-atom abstraction from alcohols by alkyl radicals. Cooperative effects in the reactions of alkyl radicals in glassy methanol-d3
Vyazovkin, V.L. and Tolkatchev, V.A.
page 313-327
- NMR relaxation studies in water-alcohol mixtures: the water-rich region
Ludwig, R.
page 329-337
- Low-frequency motions in an alkali phosphate glass studied by 7Li and 31P NMR
Ruffle, B., Beaufils, S. and Gallier, J.
page 339-350
- Infrared, Raman, resonance Raman spectra and lattice dynamics calculations of the solid potassium(I) nickel(II) thiophosphate compound, KNiPS4
Sourisseau, C., Cavagnat, R., Fouassier, M., Brec, R. and Elder, S.H.
page 351-369
- A Raman study of the disorder induced by polymer chains in mixed monomer-polymer crystals of the diacetylene pTS-D
Longeville, S., Bertault, M., Even, J., Fave, J.L., Girard, A. and Delugeard, Y.
page 371-379
- Excited state absorption of 5CB (4_-n-pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl) in cyclohexane
Eichler, H.J., Macdonald, R., Menzel, R. and Sander, R.
page 381-386
- Dispersive electronic energy transfer in an organically doped xerogel glass
L'Esperance, D. and Chronister, E.L.
page 387-393
- Infrared fluorescence study of electronic-to-vibrational energy transfer in the Br(2P½)-NO system
Hawks, M.R., Johnson, R.O. and Perram, G.P.
page 395-401
- An experimental study of the valence shell photoelectron spectrum of hydrogen sulphide
Baltzer, P., Karlsson, L., Lundqvist, M., Wannberg, B., Holland, D.M.P. and MacDonald, M.A.
page 403-422
- The concerted photodissociation of azomethane at 193 nm
Gejo, T., Felder, P. and Huber, J.R.
page 423-433
- Hole transport in tri-p-tolylamine doped polymers: the role of the polymer dipole moment
Borsenberger, P.M., Gruenbaum, W.T., Magin, E.H. and Sorriero, L.J.
page 435-442
- The dissociative ionization of C2H2. The C+, C+2 and CH+2 dissociation channels. The vinylidene ion as a transient?
Locht, R. and Davister, M.
page 443-456
- Effect of high pressure on photoionization of N,N,N_,N_-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD) in liquid 2,2-dimethylbutane (DMB)
Katoh, R., Lacmann, K. and Schmidt, W.F.
page 457-463
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