Tables of Contents service for
Volume 201, Issue 1, 1 December 1995
- Momentum profiles for open shell molecules: studies of the HOMOs of NO, O2 and NO2 by electron momentum spectroscopy and SCF, post-Hartree-Fock and DFT calculations
Rolke, J., Cann, N., Y., Z., Hollebone, B.P., Brion, C.E., Y., A.W. and Davidson, E.R.
page 1-21
- Statistical size distribution of laser generated clusters
Chun-Ru, W., Rong-Bin, H., Zhao-Yang, L. and Lan-Sun, Z.
page 23-34
- Effects of diffusion on geminate charge recombination
Yoshimori, A., Watanabe, K. and Kakitani, T.
page 35-46
- Infrared and Raman spectra of N-chloroethylamine
Utsunomiya-Tate, N., Fukumoto, K., Masuko, E., Kansaku, K., Hirakawa, A.Y., Hamada, Y. and Amatatsu, Y.
page 47-58
- Vibrational infrared spectrum of NH3 adsorbed on MgO(100). I. Ab initio calculations
Allouche, A., Cora, F. and Girardet, C.
page 59-71
- Vibrational infrared spectrum of NH3 adsorbed on MgO(100). II. Interatomic potential calculations
Lakhlifi, A., Picaud, S., Girardet, C. and Allouche, A.
page 73-85
- An ab initio study of the geometry dependence of the magnetic exchange coupling in oxo-bridged binuclear chromium (III) complexes
C., W., Fink, K. and Staemmler, V.
page 87-94
- Identification of Born-Oppenheimer potential energy surfaces of diatomic molecules from optimized chirped pulses
Amstrup, B., Toth, G.J., Rabitz, H. and Lorincz, A.
page 95-105
- Potential-energy surfaces for the Li + HF reaction. MRDCI study of the ground- and lower excited-states for doublet LiFH
Aguado, A., Suarez, C. and Paniagua, M.
page 107-120
- Energy transfer in collisions of small gas phase clusters. Comparison of molecular dynamics and statistical limit estimates
Liu, M., Davidsson, J. and Nordholm, S.
page 121-140
- Size quantization and surface states of molybdenum sulphide clusters: a molecular orbital approach
Brandle, M., Calzaferri, G. and Lanz, M.
page 141-150
- Calculation of molecular absorption spectra using a density matrix propagation scheme: an extension of Heller's formula
Neugebauer, F., Malzahn, D. and May, V.
page 151-162
- Short-time dynamics on several electronic states: formalism and computational study of I2 in rare gas solvents
Ben-Nun, M. and Levine, R.D.
page 163-187
- A theoretical CMS-X
treatment of CH3I photoionization dynamics: outer valence shell and iodine 4d levels
Powis, I.
page 189-201
- On the classical approach of microcanonical statistical theory of three-atom reactions governed by long-range forces
Bonnet, L. and Rayez, J.C.
page 203-214
- Multiphonon decay of stretch vibrations in zeolites
Brugmans, M.J.P., Bonn, M., Bakker, H.J. and Lagendijk, A.
page 215-225
- UV electronic spectra and structure of thallium-rare gas complexes
Stangassinger, A., Mane, I. and Bondybey, V.E.
page 227-235
- Two-color resonant four-wave mixing spectroscopy of ammonia
Ashfold, M.N.R., Chandler, D.W., Hayden, C.C., McKay, R.I. and Heck, A.J.R.
page 237-244
- Reactions of small cobalt clusters with N2: implications for cluster structure
Ho, J., Parks, E.K., Zhu, L. and Riley, S.J.
page 245-261
- Time-resolved infrared fluorescence studies of the collisional deactivation of CO2(0001) by large polyatomic molecules
Poel, K.L., Alwahabi, Z.T. and King, K.D.
page 263-271
- Surface diffusion of H and CO on Cu/Ru(001): evidence for long-range trapping by copper islands
Brown, D.E., Sholl, D.S., Skodje, R.T. and George, S.M.
page 273-286
- Statistical and non-statistical reactions in energy selected fluoromethane ions
Weitzel, K., Guthe, F., Mahnert, J., Locht, R. and Baumgartel, H.
page 287-298
- A study of the absolute photoabsorption, photoionisation and photodissociation cross sections and the photoionisation quantum efficiency of sulphur dioxide from the ionisation threshold to 400 Å
Holland, D.M.P., Shaw, D.A. and Hayes, M.A.
page 299-308
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