Chemical Physics, 1998, V 232, N 3, 1 July.
* Bridged-assisted electron transfer. Random matrix theory approach
Gudowska-Nowak, E., Papp, G. and Brickmann, J.
page 247-255
* Ab initio study of excited-state intramolecular proton dislocation in
salicylic acid
Sobolewski, A.L. and Domcke, W.
page 257-265
* Ab-initio study of a radiative association mechanism application to
the CH+3 + H2 reaction
Talbi, D. and Bacchus-Montabonel, M.C.
page 267-273
* Hartree-Fock limit properties of the water dimer in absence of BSSE
Famulari, A., Raimondi, M., Sironi, M. and Gianinetti, E.
page 275-287
* Ab initio MO-VB study of water dimer
Famulari, A., Raimondi, M., Sironi, M. and Gianinetti, E.
page 289-298
* A density functional study of weakly bound hydrogen bonded complexes
Chandra, A.K. and Nguyen, M.T.
page 299-306
* Effect of the angular dependence of the barrier height on the features
of the F + H2 reaction
Azriel, V.M., Rusin, L.Yu., Sevryuk, M.B. and Toennies, J.P.
page 307-320
* Towards quantitative diatomics-in-molecules model for the water
Grigorenko, B.L., Nemukhin, A.V. and Apkarian, V.A.
page 321-328
* Water anomalies and the double-well Takahashi model
Cho, C.H., Singh, S. and Robinson, G.W.
page 329-341
* Ab initio variational calculation of dynamic polarizabilities and
hyperpolarizabilities I. Polarizability and quadratic
hyperpolarizability of water, carbon monoxide and hydrogen fluoride
Lembarki, A., Barbier, C., Lemaire, Ph. and Svendsen, E.N.
page 343-352
* Laser photodissociation of ketene at 230 nm
Castillejo, M., Couris, S., Lane, E., Martin, M. and Ruiz, J.
page 353-360
* Molecular dynamics studies of NaCl solutions in methanol-water
mixtures. An effect of NaCl on hydrogen bonded network
Hawlicka, E. and Swiatla-Wojcik, D.
page 361-369
* Dissipative tunneling with periodic polychromatic driving: Exact
results and tractable approximations [Chem. Phys. 217 (1997) 167]
Grifoni, M., Hartmann, L. and Hanggi, P.
page 371-372
* Author index to volume 232
page 373-376
* Subject index to volume 232
page 377-386