Chemical Physics, 1998, V 233, N 2-3.
S. Ruhman, N. Scherer
pp. 159 -- 159
Femtosecond photodissociation of triiodide in solution:
Excitation energy dependence and transition state dynamics
T. Kuhne, R. Kuster, P. Vohringer
pp. 161 -- 178
Vibrational coherence in bacterial reaction centers:
spectroscopic characterisation of motions active during primary
electron transfer
M.H. Vos, M.R. Jones, J. Martin
pp. 179 -- 190
Optimal pump-dump control: phase-locked versus phase-unlocked
Y. YiJing, W.S. Zhen, Z. Yi
pp. 191 -- 205
Controlling condensed-phase vibrational excitation with
tailored infrared pulses
V.D. Kleiman, S.M. Arrivo, J.S. Melinger, E.J. Heilweil
pp. 207 -- 216
Fifth-order two-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy of a Morse
potential system in condensed phases
Y. Tanimura
pp. 217 -- 229
The intermolecular interaction mechanisms in liquid CS2 at 295
and 165 K probed with two-dimensional Raman spectroscopy
A. Tokmakoff, M.J. Lang, X.J. Jordanides, G.R. Fleming
pp. 231 -- 242
Quantum time correlation functions and classical coherence
R. Hernandez, G.A. Voth
pp. 243 -- 255
A viscoelastic continuum model of non-polar solvation. II.
Vibrational dephasing in moderate to high-viscosity liquids and
M.A. Berg, H.W. Hubble
pp. 257 -- 266
Population relaxation and non-Markovian frequency fluctuations
in third- and fifth-order Raman scattering
T. Steffen, K. Duppen
pp. 267 -- 285
Heterodyne-detected stimulated photon echo: applications to
optical dynamics in solution
W.P. de Boeij, M.S. Pshenichnikov, D.A. Wiersma
pp. 287 -- 309
Optical dephasing in photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes
H. Fidder, G.J.S. Fowler, C.N. Hunter, V. Sundstrom
pp. 311 -- 322
Vibrational coherence in ultrafast electron-transfer dynamics
of oxazine 1 in N,N-dimethylaniline: simulation of a
femtosecond pump-probe experiment
B. Wolfseder, L. Seidner, W. Domcke, G. Stock, M. Seel, S. Engleitner, W.
pp. 323 -- 334
Mechanism of the coherent control of the photoionization and
photodissociation of HI and DI
J.A. Fiss, L. Zhu, K. Suto, G. He, R.J. Gordon
pp. 335 -- 341
Dynamics of structural relaxation upon Rydberg excitation of an
impurity in an Ar crystal
S. Jimenez, A. Pasquarello, R. Car, M. Chergui
pp. 343 -- 352
Wavepacket diagnosis with chirped probe pulses
R. Zadoyan, N. Schwentner, V.A. Apkarian
pp. 353 -- 363
Author index to volume 233 365 -- 368
Subject index to volume 233 369 -- 377