Chemica Physics, 1999, V 241, N 2, 15 Feb

 A DVR analysis of some vibrational modes in the elongated       155 -- 166
 dihydrogen complex [Ru([h]2-H2)(C5H5)(H2PCH2PH2)]+
 R. Gelabert, M. Moreno, J.M. Lluch, A. Lledos

 Computational studies in aqueous and chloroform solutions of    167 -- 177
 complex organic solutes: distinctive effects of the solvent on
 solutes with small chemical differences
 E.A. Armelin, C. Aleman, P.M. Donate, S.E. Galembeck

 Low symmetry ligand field splittings in optical spectra of      179 -- 191
 pseudotetrahedral Co(II) complexes with halogenide and
 chalcogenide ligands
 J.N. Nover, H.-H. Schmidtke

 Radical polarization in double switching of external magnetic   193 -- 202
 N.N. Lukzen, V.A. Morozov, R.Z. Sagdeev

 Competitive shell-filling in protonated helium clusters         203 -- 212
 F.A. Gianturco, F. Filippone

 Photodissociation of 1-bromo-2-chloroethane at 266 nm           213 -- 219
 G.-J. Wang, H. Zhang, R.-S. Zhu, K.-L. Han, G.-Z. He, N.-Q. Lou

 Energetics, molecular electronic structure, and spectroscopy of 221 -- 238
 forming Group IIA dihalide complexes
 T.C. Devore, J.L. Gole

 Subthreshold photoionization spectra of CH3I perturbed by SF6   239 -- 246
 C.M. Evans, R. Reininger, G.L. Findley

 Theoretical study of the structure and NMR properties of        247 -- 255
 µ-hydrido-bridged carbocations and carbodications
 V. Galasso