Chemical Physics, 1998, V 236, N 1-3.

 Electrical properties of a charged surface in a general            
 electrolyte solution
 Y. Kuo, J. Hsu
  pp.1 -- 14

 CARS studies of bending states of CO2: evidence of collisional    
 rotational transitions with odd   J
 A.P. Kouzov, D.N. Kozlov, B. Hemmerling
pp. 15 -- 24

 Franck-Condon effects in low-energy states of C10H+8 radical. Ab 
 initio MCSCF study of absorption and resonance Raman spectra
 T. Andruniow, M. Pawlikowski
 pp. 25 -- 33

 Vibronic coupling effects in the low-energy 1 2B1g and 2 2B1g     
 states of the C10H+8 radical
 T. Andruniow, M. Pawlikowski
 pp. 35 -- 41

 Ultraviolet absorption spectrum and cross-sections of vinyl       
 (C2H3) radical in the 225-238 nm region
 A. Fahr, P. Hassanzadeh, D.B. Atkinson
 pp. 43 -- 51

 Theoretical study of the ethylene radical cation: geometry and    
 hyperfine structure
 N. Salhi-Benachenhou, B. Engels, M. Huang, S. Lunell
 pp. 53 -- 61

 Electrical interaction between two spherical particles covered by
 an ion-penetrable charged membrane
 J. Hsu, B. Liu
pp. 63 -- 76

 Study of positronium hydride with a simple wavefunction: 
 Application to the Stark effect of PsH
 C.L. Sech, B. Silvi
pp. 77 -- 85

 Decomposition of perchlorodisiloxane                              
 D. Wichmann, K. Jug
 pp. 87 -- 96

 A comparative study of the electronic structure of   -MnS       
 (alabandite) calculated at the Hartree-Fock and Density
 Functional levels of theory
 R. Tappero, A. Lichanot
pp. 97 -- 105

 Modelling aluminium clusters with an empirical many-body        
 L.D. Lloyd, R.L. Johnston
pp. 107 -- 121

 A semiclassical study of dissociation dynamics in He + H2      
 K. Sakimoto
pp. 123 -- 132

 Electronic structure of planar superconducting systems. From    
 finite to extended model
 S. Larsson
pp. 133 -- 150

 Role of the local electric field in electro-absorption spectra  
 of molecular crystals
 R.W. Munn
pp. 151 -- 156

 Interplay of creation, propagation, and relaxation of an        
 excitation in a dimer
 J. Jr. Perina
pp. 157 -- 179

 On the O2(  _) + O2(  ") atmospheric reaction. II. The role of  
 rotational excitation
 W. Wang, A.J.C. Varandas
pp. 181 -- 188

 The mechanism of energy transfer in H2O-H2O collisions - a      
 molecular dynamics simulation
 H. Svedung, L.E.B. Borjesson, N. Markovic, S. Nordholm
pp. 189 -- 205

 Femtosecond pump-probe studies of chlorine dioxide              
 photochemistry in water and acetonitrile
 M.J. Philpott, S.C. Hayes, P.J. Reid
pp. 207 -- 224

 Vibrational modes in layered double hydroxides and their        
 calcined derivatives
 W. Kagunya, R. Baddour-Hadjean, F. Kooli, W. Jones
pp. 225 -- 234

 An intermolecular potential function for Na+-acetonitrile       
 obtained from ab initio calculations. Application to liquid
 E.M. Cabaleiro-Lago, M.A. Rios
pp. 235 -- 242

 Constant temperature simulations using the Langevin equation    
 with velocity Verlet integration
 M.G. Paterlini, D.M. Ferguson
pp. 243 -- 252

 Vibrational spectroscopy and molecular dynamics of solvated     
 methanol tetramer and pentamer
 D.M. zum Buschenfelde, A. Staib
pp. 253 -- 261

 Interference-effects in the laser-induced desorption of small   
 molecules from surfaces: a model study
 S. Thiel, T. Kluner, H.-J. Freund
pp. 263 -- 276

 Analytical theory of time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy and  
 dynamic stokes shift of polar solute molecules based on
 continuum model for solvent
 F. Tanaka, N. Mataga
pp.277 -- 289

 Isotope effect in diffusion of methyl radicals in glassy        
 ethanol-1,2d5 at low temperatures
 V.L. Vyazovkin, V.A. Tolkatchev
pp. 291 -- 300

 Recognition and characterization of binding modes of   - and   
   -[Ru(phen)3]2+ and   - and   -[Ru(phen)2DPPZ]2+ by the 23Na
 NMR relaxation and binding free energy parameters
 F.C. Marincola, M. Casu, G. Saba, A. Lai, P. Lincoln, B. Norden
pp. 301 -- 308

 Sub-picosecond excited-state dynamics of a carotenoid          
 (spirilloxanthin) in the light-harvesting systems of Chromatium
 vinosum. Relaxation process from the optically allowed S2 state
 H. Okamoto, M. Ogura, T. Nakabayashi, M. Tasumi
pp. 309 -- 318

 Emission spectra of HeAr+2 and HeKr+2 heterotrimer ions         
 produced in a helium flowing afterglow
 M. Tsuji, M. Tanaka, E. Oda, H. Ishimi, Y. Nishimura
pp. 319 -- 329

 Photophysical and lasing properties of pyrromethene 567 dye in
 liquid solution. Environment effects
 F.L. Arbeloa, T.L. Arbeloa, I.L. Arbeloa, I. Garcia-Moreno, A. Costela, R.
 Sastre, F. Amat-Guerri
pp. 331 -- 341

 On the electronic energy disposal of calcium excited atom
 reactions with halogen-containing compounds: Electronic
 branching ratio and spin-orbit state populations
 M. Garay, C.A. Rinaldi, J.M. Orea, A.G. Urena
pp. 343 -- 353

 Ultrafast intermolecular electron transfer in
 coumarin-hydrazine system
 H. Shirota, H. Pal, K. Tominaga, K. Yoshihara
pp. 355 -- 364

 A study of the spectroscopic and thermodynamic properties of
 furan by means of photoabsorption, photoelectron and photoion
 E.E. Rennie, C.A.F. Johnson, J.E. Parker, D.M.P. Holland, D.A. Shaw, M.A.
 MacDonald, M.A. Hayes, L.G. Shpinkova
pp. 365 -- 385

 Rotational alignment from the reactions Sr(3PJ) + CCl4 and
 M. Wang, K. Han, J. Zhan, J. Huang, G. He
pp. 387 -- 392

 Positronium formation and quenching in frozen and liquid
 solutions in octanol
 F. Bockstahl, I. Billard, G. Duplatre, A. Bonnenfant
pp. 393 -- 403

 Author index to volume 236                                      
pp. 405 -- 408

 Subject index to volume 236                                    
pp. 409 -- 419