Chemical Physics, 2001, V 273, N 1, 1 November.

Sandro Hillebrand et al.
First hyperpolarizability in proton-transfer benzoxazoles: computer-aided 
design, synthesis and study of a new model compound

Najeh Rekik, Adina Velcescu, Paul Blaise and Olivier Henri-Rousseau
Spectral density of H-bonds. II. Intrinsic anharmonicity of the fast mode within 
the strong anharmonic coupling theory

Jose A.B. Ferreira and Silvia M.B. Costa
Rhodamine 3B+ ClO4 electronic transitions: reaction field and vibrational structure

Abraham F. Jalbout, Johan Smets and Ludwik Adamowicz
Anions of the hydrogen-bonded thymine dimer: ab initio study

James L. Gole, Bengt Ohllson and Gary Green
Ultrafast energy transfer and population buildup among strongly coupled and 
curve crossing regions of the boron oxide A2 and X2+ states
C. Pastorino and Z. Gamba
Erratum to "Study of sulfur -S8 crystals with an anisotropic inter-molecular 
potential model" [Chem. Phys. 261 (2000) 317-321]