Chemical Physics, 1999, V 247, N 1, 1 August.
vii -- viii
R. Rigler, P.G. Wolynes
Single-molecule fluorescence near a metal layer
1 -- 9
J. Enderlein
The fluctuating enzyme: a single molecule approach
11 -- 22
L. Edman, Z. Foldes-Papp, S. Wennmalm, R. Rigler
Terrylene in p-terphenyl: single-molecule experiments
at room temperature
23 -- 34
F. Kulzer, F. Koberling, Th. Christ, A. Mews, Th. Basche
Imaging and spectroscopy of terrylene molecules isolated in
vapor-deposited n-alkane matrices
35 -- 40
J. Sepio_, A. Starukhin, T.Yu. Latychevskaia,
J. Jasny, A. Renn, U.P. Wild
Probing the spectral dynamics of single terrylenediimide
molecules in low-temperature solids
41 -- 52
S. Mais, T. Basche, G. Muller, K. Mullen, C. Brauchle
Spectroscopy of individual LH2 complexes of
Rhodopseudomonas acidophila: localized excitations in the B800 band
53 -- 60
A.M. van Oijen, M. Ketelaars, J. Kohler, T.J. Aartsma, J. Schmidt
Non-ergodic behaviour in conformational transitions of single DNA molecules
61 -- 67
S. Wennmalm, L. Edman, R. Rigler
Folding dynamics of single GCN4 peptides by fluorescence
resonant energy transfer confocal microscopy
69 -- 83
Y. Jia, D.S. Talaga, W.L. Lau, H.S.M. Lu, W.F.
DeGrado, R.M. Hochstrasser
Ratiometric measurement and identification of single diffusing molecules
85 -- 106
M. Dahan, A.A. Deniz, T. Ha, D.S. Chemla, P.G. Schultz, S. Weiss
Temporal fluctuations of fluorescence resonance energy transfer
between two dyes conjugated to a single protein
107 -- 118
T. Ha, A.Y. Ting, J. Liang, A.A. Deniz, D.S. Chemla,
P.G. Schultz, S. Weiss
Are the spectral trails of single molecules consistent with
the standard two-level system model of glasses at low temperatures?
119 -- 132
A.-M. Boiron, Ph. Tamarat, B. Lounis, R. Brown, M. Orrit
Manipulating the biochemical nanoenvironment around single
molecules contained within vesicles
133 -- 139
D.T. Chiu, C.F. Wilson, A. Karlsson, A. Danielsson, A. Lundqvist,
A. Stromberg, F. Ryttsen, M. Davidson, S. Nordholm, O. Orwar, R.N. Zare
Steered molecular dynamics simulation of conformational changes of
immunoglobulin domain I27 interpret atomic force microscopy observations
141 -- 153
H. Lu, K. Schulten
Surface-enhanced non-linear Raman scattering at the single-molecule level
155 -- 162
K. Kneipp, H. Kneipp, I. Itzkan, R.R. Dasari, M.S. Feld
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer between single fluorophores
attached to a coiled-coil protein in aqueous solution
163 -- 173
Y. Ishii, T. Yoshida, T. Funatsu, T. Wazawa, T. Yanagida
Analyzing single molecule trajectories on complex energy
landscapes using replica correlation functions
175 -- 184
J.N. Onuchic, J. Wang, P.G. Wolynes