Chemical Physics, 1998, V 238, N 1.
Complete basis set limit ionization potentials of O3 and NO2 using
the multiconfigurational spin tensor electron propagator method
A.J. McKellar, D. Heryadi, D.L. Yeager, J.A. Nichols
1 -- 9
Analysis of the reaction paths to dissociation of
dichloro-ethylenes into Cl2 and C2H2
S.M. Resende, W.B. De Almeida
11 -- 20
Vertical double ionization of the sulphur dioxide molecule
I.W. Griffiths, D.E. Parry, F.M. Harris
21 -- 32
Ab initio study of the electronic spectrum of C2H+2. I. Vertical
spectrum and angular potential curves
M. Peric, B. Engels, M. Hanrath
33 -- 46
Ab initio study of the electronic spectrum of C2H+2. II.
Stretching potential energy surfaces for low-lying doublet
electronic states
M. Peric, B. Engels
47 -- 57
Quantum study of oriented NO scattering from Ag(111):
orientational steering and effects of surface corrugation
D. Lemoine, T. Duhoo
59 -- 68
Semiclassical reactive scattering: the Hermite correction method
in hyperspherical coordinates
S. Adhikari, G.D. Billing
69 -- 84
A simple analytical estimate of the bound-free Franck-Condon
factors for a transition to a repulsive exponential potential in
a diatomic molecule
V. Brems
85 -- 96
Quantum motion of particles along one-dimensional pathways with
static and dynamic energy disorder
L.D.A. Siebbeles, Y.A. Berlin
97 -- 107
Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of HCl and DCl
A.J. Yencha, A.J. Cormack, R.J. Donovan, A. Hopkirk, G.C. King
109 -- 131
Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of HBr and DBr
A.J. Yencha, A.J. Cormack, R.J. Donovan, K.P. Lawley, A. Hopkirk, G.C.
133 -- 151
Publisher's note
R.M. Hochstrasser, G.L. Hofacker