Chemical Physics, 1998, V 229, N 1, 15 March.

   * Anisotropic photoionisation and dissociation through inner valence
     states of the O+2 and NO+ ions
     Eland, J.H.D. and Duerr, E.J.
     page 1-11
   * Dissociation and electron-ion angular distributions in inner-valence
     photoionisation of CO and N2
     Eland, J.H.D. and Duerr, E.J.
     page 13-19
   * Elastic and rotationally inelastic scattering of fluorine atoms by
     deuterium molecules at 112 meV collision energy
     Ayabakan, M., Faubel, M., Martinez-Haya, B., Rusin, L.Yu., Sevryuk,
     M.B., Tappe, U. and Toennies, J.P.
     page 21-35
   * IR spectral density of weak H-bonded complexes involving damped Fermi
     resonances. I. Quantum theory
     Henri-Rousseau, O. and Chamma, D.
     page 37-50
   * IR spectral density of weak H-bonded complexes involving damped Fermi
     resonances. II. Numerical experiments and physical discussion
     Chamma, D. and Henri-Rousseau, O.
     page 51-73
   * Spectral shape of diphenylpolyene fluorescence and mixing of the S1
     and S2 states
     Bachilo, S.M., Bachilo, E.V. and Gillbro, T.
     page 75-91
   * State-to-state dissociation of SO2 in C 1B2: Rotational distributions
     of the fragment SO
     Braatz, C. and Tiemann, E.
     page 93-105
   * A photoabsorption, photodissociation and photoelectron spectroscopy
     study of C6H6 and C6D6
     Rennie, E.E., Johnson, C.A.F., Parker, J.E., Holland, D.M.P., Shaw,
     D.A. and Hayes, M.A.
     page 107-123