Tables of Contents service for
Chemical Physics Letters
Volume 274, Issue 1-3, 1 August 1997
- Temperature dependence of electric field-gradient induced birefringence in carbon dioxide and carbon disulfide
Watson, J.N., Craven, I.E. and Ritchie, G.L.D.
page 1-6
- Temperature dependent study of the kinetics of Sc(a 2D3/2) with O2, N2O, CO2, NO and SO2
Campbell, M.L., Hooper, K.L. and Kolsch, E.J.
page 7-12
- High-resolution study of resonant decay following the O 1s ->
* excitation(s) in CO2: evidence for an overlapping Rydberg transition
Piancastelli, M.N., Kivimaki, A., Kempgens, B., Neeb, M., Maier, K. and Bradshaw, A.M.
page 13-17
- Photodetachment photoelectron spectroscopy of perylene and CS2: two extreme cases
Schiedt, J. and Weinkauf, R.
page 18-22
- Migration of translationally excited fluorine atoms in solid argon and their reactions with small guest molecules
Misochko, E.Ya., Akimov, A.V. and Wight, C.A.
page 23-28
- Videochemiluminescence: a simple technique for investigating the reaction dynamics of excited species
Rinaldi, C.A., Santiveri, C.M., Tardajos, G. and Gonzalez Urena, A.
page 29-36
- Reaction dynamics of Mg(3 1P1, 4 1S0) with H2: insertion versus harpoon mechanism
Liu, D. and Lin, K.
page 37-40
- Dual-frequency oscillations induced by acidity in Belousov-Zhabotinskii reactions with aldosugars as substrates
Hexing, L., Ronghua, J., Weilin, D. and Jingfa, D.
page 41-46
- Free jet absorption millimeter wave spectrum of 2,4_-dipyridyl
Favero, L.B., Favero, P.G., Dell'Erba, A. and Caminati, W.
page 47-50
- The electronic structure of the cis-bis(4,4_-dicarboxy-2,2_-bipyridine)-bis(isothiocyanato)ruthenium(II) complex and its ligand 2,2_-bipyridyl-4,4_-dicarboxylic acid studied with electron spectroscopy
Rensmo, H., Sodergren, S., Patthey, L., Westermark, K., Vayssieres, L., Kohle, O., Bruhwiler, P.A., Hagfeldt, A. and Siegbahn, H.
page 51-57
- Time-resolved FTIR study of the 308 nm photolysis of NO2. Nascent vibrational populations and quenching of NO(v = 1-3)
Doughty, A., Hancock, G. and Moore, E.L.
page 58-62
- Time-resolved infrared spectroscopy of ethanol monomers in liquid solution: molecular reorientation and energy relaxation times
Laenen, R. and Rauscher, C.
page 63-70
- Spectroscopy and dynamics of jet-cooled 2-methoxynaphthalene
Troxler, T., Pryor, B.A. and Topp, M.R.
page 71-78
- Stark spectroscopy of an excited-state proton-transfer molecule: comparison of experimental and computational results for o-hydroxyacetophenone
Peteanu, L. and Locknar, S.
page 79-84
- Vibrational relaxation of Na2 molecules in a triplet state: collisional transfer from a mixed A1
+u - b3
u gateway level to long-lived levels of b3
Hulsman, H. and Klavins, J.
page 85-90
- Optical-optical double resonance and Fourier transform spectroscopy: the Rb2 B1
u electronic state up to the quasibound energy levels
Amiot, C. and Verges, J.
page 91-98
- Interferogram amplitude modulation technique for selective detection of transient species with a continuous-scan Fourier-transform spectrometer
Imajo, T., Inui, S., Tanaka, K. and Tanaka, T.
page 99-105
- Polymorphic phase transitions and molecular motion in pyridinium chlorochromate
Pajak, Z., Szafranska, B., Czarnecki, P., Mayer, J. and Kozak, A.
page 106-111
- Alkali carbide fragmentation. A new path to doubly-charged negative ions
Vandenbosch, R., Will, D.I., Cooper, C., Henry, B. and Liang, J.F.
page 112-114
- Structures and formation mechanism of potassium cyanide clusters
Zhang, X., Li, H., Ma, C., Wang, X., Bai, J., He, G. and Lou, N.
page 115-119
- Velocity distributions of NH2 radicals in an NH3 plasma molecular beam
McCurdy, P.R., Venturo, V.A. and Fisher, E.R.
page 120-126
- Competitive solvation of NH3 and H2O by a phenol ion studied by liquid beam - multiphoton ionization - mass spectrometry
Mafune, F., Hashimoto, Y. and Kondow, T.
page 127-132
- Highly sensitive detection of adsorbed species on a SiO2 surface by reflection-absorption infrared spectroscopy
Fukui, K., Miyauchi, H. and Iwasawa, Y.
page 133-139
- Surface vibrational spectroscopy of sulfuric acid-water mixtures at the liquid-vapor interface
Raduge, C., Pflumio, V. and Shen, Y.R.
page 140-144
- Chain length dependence of the structure of alkane thiol films on Au(111)
Balzer, F., Gerlach, R., Polanski, G. and Rubahn, H.-G.
page 145-151
- Study of the structure of a water molecular assembly in a hydrophobic nanospace at low temperature with in situ X-ray diffraction
Iiyama, T., Nishikawa, K., Suzuki, T. and Kaneko, K.
page 152-158
- Molecular diffusion in a monolayer on water surface detected by the transient grating method
Tanzawa, K., Hirota, N. and Terazima, M.
page 159-164
- Geminate pair dissociation in random organic systems
Barth, S., Hertel, D., Tak, Y.-H., Bassler, H. and Horhold, H.H.
page 165-170
- Kinetics of radiationless energy transfer from upper excited states
Bodunov, E.N., Berberan-Santos, M.N. and Martinho, J.M.G.
page 171-176
- The LCAC-SW calculations of the reaction probabilities for the collinear H + H2(
= 0) -> H2(
) + H reaction
Lu, W.C. and Deng, C.H.
page 177-180
- The 4-component random phase approximation method applied to the calculation of frequency-dependent dipole polarizabilities
Visscher, L., Saue, T. and Oddershede, J.
page 181-188
- Perylenes and polyenes: a second
-electron approximation
Soos, Z.G., Hennessy, M.H. and Wen, G.
page 189-195
- Multiconfiguration perturbation theory with imaginary level shift
Forsberg, N. and Malmqvist, P.
page 196-204
- Usefulness of the newly completed semiclassical theory of curve crossing: multi-channel resonant scattering
Zhu, C. and Nakamura, H.
page 205-212
- Debye-Huckel constant and average particle size of a colloidal dispersion of solid aggregates. Evaluation of
_r_ to characterize repulsive DLVO-based interactions. Application to the Si3N4/H2O (l) system
Mezzasalma, S.A.
page 213-216
- Growth of NMR multiple-quantum coherences in quasi-one-dimensional systems
Khitrin, A.K.
page 217-220
- A theoretical model for interchain coupled organic ferromagnets
Wang, W.Z., Yao, K.L. and Lin, H.Q.
page 221-225
- Structures of the Ca@C82 isomers: a theoretical prediction
Kobayashi, K. and Nagase, S.
page 226-230
- Chemical shifts of diamagnetic azafullerenes: (C59N)2 and C59HN
Buhl, M., Curioni, A. and Andreoni, W.
page 231-234
- CCSDT calculations of molecular equilibrium geometries
Halkier, A., J_rgensen, P., Gauss, J. and Helgaker, T.
page 235-241
- Toward reliable adiabatic connection models free from adjustable parameters
Adamo, C. and Barone, V.
page 242-250
- A density functional study of the effect of reduction on the geometry and electron affinity of hydrogen bonded 1,4-benzoquinone. Implications for quinone reduction and protonation in photosynthetic reaction centres
O'Malley, P.J.
page 251-254
- How reliable are topographical characteristics of Hartree-Fock level molecular electron momentum densities?
Kulkarni, S.A. and Gadre, S.R.
page 255-263
- Computational study of the spectroscopic constants of the ground state of the As2 molecule
Mochizuki, Y. and Tanaka, K.
page 264-268
- Hydrophobic interaction and solvatochromic shift of benzene in water
Urahata, S., Coutinho, K. and Canuto, S.
page 269-274
- Development of a force field for some copper(II) Schiff-base complexes
Subramanian, V., Shankaranarayanan, C., Nair, B.U., Kanthimathi, M., Manickkavachagam, R. and Ramasami, T.
page 275-280
- Ab initio calculations of vibronic coupling. Applications to symmetry-forbidden vibronic spectra and internal conversion in ethylene
Mebel, A.M., Hayashi, M. and Lin, S.H.
page 281-292
- Spin-orbit effects in the Penning ionization: Ar + He*(2 3S) -> Ar+(2P3/2, 2P1/2) + He + e?. An ab initio and trajectory study
Ishida, T. and Katagiri, H.
page 293-298
- A correlated ab initio study of the A2
<- X2
+ transition in MgCCH
Woon, D.E.
page 299-305
- Ab initio molecular orbital calculation of the second hyperpolarizability of the carbon disulfide molecule: electron correlation and frequency dispersion
Ohta, K., Sakaguchi, T., Kamada, K. and Fukumi, T.
page 306-314
- Ab initio calculations of the vibrational contributions to the static dipole polarizability of CO2 and CS2
Guerreiro, M., Bras, N., Blain, M. and Leclercq, J.
page 315-322
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