Tables of Contents service for
Chemical Physics Letters
Volume 272, Issue 3-4, 27 June 1997
- Ab initio molecular dynamics around a conical intersection: Li(2p) + H2
Martinez, T.J.
page 139-147
- Ab initio propagator analysis of triple-charge-transfer spectra for carbon disulphide
Parry, D.E.
page 148-154
- Density functional calculation of phenoxyl radical and phenolate anion: an examination of the performance of DFT methods
Nwobi, O., Higgins, J., Zhou, X. and Liu, R.
page 155-161
- Protonation effects on the chromophore of green fluorescent protein. Quantum chemical study of the absorption spectrum
Voityuk, A.A., Michel-Beyerle, M. and Rosch, N.
page 162-167
- The importance of 2s bonding contributions for the core level binding energies in organic compounds
Bagus, P.S., Illas, F. and Casanovas, J.
page 168-172
- Bonding, bending and the ground state of CrCl2
Bridgeman, A.J. and Bridgeman, C.H.
page 173-177
- Well-aligned graphitic nanofibers synthesized by plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition
Yan, C., Zhong, L.W., Jin, S.Y., Johnson, D.J. and Prince, R.H.
page 178-182
- On the singlet-triplet splittings of the Ag and Au states of C60
Hara, T., Narita, S. and Shibuya, T.
page 183-188
- Change in band structure of orthorhombic Rb1C60 with the chain rotation modeling merohedral disorder
Tanaka, K., Saito, T., Oshima, Y., Yamabe, T. and Kobayashi, H.
page 189-192
- Problems and scope of spiral algorithms and spiral codes for polyhedral cages
Brinkmann, G.
page 193-198
- Hyperpolarizabilities of Si clusters: model calculations to interpret second-harmonic generation from SiO2/Si(111) interface
Tomonari, M., Ookubo, N., Takada, T. and Hirayama, H.
page 199-208
- Ultrafast electron dynamics in two dimensional layered systems: two-photon photoemission studies of SnS2
Xu, S., Miller, C.C., Diol, S.J., Gao, Y., Mantell, D.A., Mason, M.G., Muenter, A.A., Sharp, L.I., Parkinson, B.A. and Miller, R.J.D.
page 209-218
- Selective modification of reaction sites for carbon monoxide oxidation on a platinum (113) surface
Akiyama, H., Moise, C., Yamanaka, T., Jacobi, K. and Matsushima, T.
page 219-224
- Spectroscopic studies of inclusion of 4H-1-benzopyran-4-thione in a
-cyclodextrin cavity
Milewski, M., Maciejewski, A. and Augustyniak, W.
page 225-231
- Ion-pair states of the ClO radical observed by multiphoton ionisation spectroscopy
Cooper, M.J., Diez-Rojo, T., Rogers, L.J., Western, C.M., Ashfold, M.N.R. and Hudgens, J.W.
page 232-238
- Fluorescence quenching of NCO in CH4/O2 and CH4/air premixed low pressure flames
Baronavski, A.P., Owrutsky, J.C. and Pasternack, L.
page 239-244
- SQUID detected NMR of laser-polarized xenon at 4.2 K and at frequencies down to 200 Hz
TonThat, D.M., Ziegeweid, M., Song, Y.-Q., Munson, E.J., Appelt, S., Pines, A. and Clarke, J.
page 245-249
- Confirmation of syn-anti isomerism of 2,5-dimethoxydicyanoquinonediimine radical anions in solution
Barbon, A., Marsman, A.W., Romanut, G., van Faassen, E. and Jenneskens, L.W.
page 250-256
- An experimental investigation of the effect of rotation on the rate of unimolecular decomposition of NO2
Ionov, P.I., Bezel, I., Ionov, S.I. and Wittig, C.
page 257-264
- Polyurethanes containing boron chromophores as sidechains for nonlinear optics
Branger, C., Lequan, M., Lequan, R.M., Large, M. and Kajzar, F.
page 265-270
- Electron capture processes in the collision between rubidium ions and sodium neutral atoms by crossed molecular beams
Romero, T., de Andres, J., Alberti, M., Lucas, J.M. and Aguilar, A.
page 271-277
- Chemical exchange effect on the intensities of the 2D NOE cross peaks
Yan, J., Mao, X. and Shen, L.
page 278-283
- Quantum mechanical treatment of stationary and dynamical properties of bound vibrational systems. Application to the relaxation dynamics of Ag5 after an electron photodetachment
Warken, M. and Bonacic-Koutecky, V.
page 284-294
- Order-resolved sideband separation in magic angle spinning NMR of half integer quadrupolar nuclei
Massiot, D., Montouillout, V., Fayon, F., Florian, P. and Bessada, C.
page 295-300
- 13-Atom Ni-Al alloy clusters: correlation between structural and dynamical properties
Krissinel', E.B. and Jellinek, J.
page 301-312
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