Tables of Contents service for
Chemical Physics Letters
Volume 271, Issue 1-3, 6 June 1997
- Quantum jumps of single molecules at room temperature
Ha, T., Enderle, Th., Chemla, D.S., Selvin, P.R. and Weiss, S.
page 1-5
- Spectroscopic study of jet-cooled heterodimers of salicylic acid with acetic and trifluoroacetic acids
Lahmani, F. and Zehnacker-Rentien, A.
page 6-14
- Pressure dependence of the ac Stark shifts in nitric oxide: resonant multiphoton spectroscopy without space charge
Lu, D., Garrett, W.R. and Payne, M.G.
page 15-18
- Spectroscopy of jet-cooled polar complexes of aminophthalimides
Pryor, B.A., Palmer, P.M., Andrews, P.M., Berger, M.B., Troxler, T. and Topp, M.R.
page 19-26
- Luminescence due to intra- and inter-molecular transition in C70 single crystals
Ichida, M., Sakai, M., Yajima, T., Nakamura, A. and Shinohara, H.
page 27-32
- The photodissociation dynamics of hexafluoropropene examined at 193 nm
Longfellow, C.A., Smoliar, L.A., Lee, Y.T., Lee, Y.R., Yeh, C.Y. and Lin, S.M.
page 33-39
- Ultrafast Stokes shift and excited-state transient absorption of coumarin 153 in solution
Kovalenko, S.A., Ruthmann, J. and Ernsting, N.P.
page 40-50
- EPR measurements in copper saccharinate single crystals
Brondino, C.D., Calvo, R. and Baran, E.J.
page 51-54
- 1H NMR study of the spin dynamics in layered perovskite paramagnets [R-NH3]2CuCl4 (R = C6H5, p-nitro-C6H5, C6H5CH2CH2)
Ueda, T. and Hayashi, S.
page 55-60
- Ionization potentials of oxidized copper clusters
Persson, J.L., Andersson, M., Holmgren, L., Aklint, T. and Rosen, A.
page 61-66
- Temperature-triggered chemical oscillators. A peculiar temperature effect in perturbed uncatalyzed bromate-driven reactions
Kurin-Csorgei, K., Nagy, G. and Koros, E.
page 67-72
- Facile production of higher hydrocarbons from ethane in a catalytic supersonic nozzle
Shebaro, L., Abbott, B., Hong, T., Slenczka, A., Friedrich, B. and Herschbach, D.
page 73-78
- Water interaction with oligo-(ethoxy)ethylene glycols
Richartz, Th., Galle, J. and Klose, G.
page 79-83
- Motional dynamics of NO2 on Na-ZSM-5: an ESR investigation
Haitao, L., Lund, A., Lindgren, M., Sagstuen, E. and Yahiro, H.
page 84-89
- Structural evaluation of azobenzene-functionalized self-assembled monolayers on gold by reflectance FTIR spectroscopy
Zhang, J., Zhao, J., Zhang, H.L., Li, H.L. and Liu, Z.F.
page 90-94
- Vibrational spectroscopy of a Au(hkl)-electrolyte interface by in situ visible-infrared difference frequency generation
Le Rille, A., Tadjeddine, A., Zheng, W.Q. and Peremans, A.
page 95-100
- Surface Raman spectroscopic studies of pyrazine adsorbed onto nickel electrodes
Huang, Q.J., Yao, J.L., Mao, B.W., Gu, R.A. and Tian, Z.Q.
page 101-106
- Through bond tunneling in an immobilized alkane chain on Si(111)7 _ 7 studied by STM
Shachal, D. and Manassen, Y.
page 107-112
- Low temperature growth of SiO2 films on Si(100) using a hot molecular beam of tetraethoxysilane
Bonzel, H.P., Pirug, G. and Verhasselt, J.
page 113-117
- Electronic states of Pb5: geometries and energy separations
Dai, D. and Balasubramanian, K.
page 118-124
- Accuracy of the MRSD-CI technique in computing the X 2
+ ScO and TiN hyperfine tensors
Mattar, S.M., Hamilton, W.D. and Kingston, C.T.
page 125-132
- Structure, bonding, and magnetism of small Fen, Con and Nin clusters, n _ 5
Castro, M., Jamorski, C. and Salahub, D.R.
page 133-142
- Portrait of diatomic FeN. A theoretical study
Fiedler, A. and Iwata, S.
page 143-151
- Description of the potential energy surface of the water dimer with an artificial neural network
Kyoung, T.N., Byung, H.C., Su, Y.K., Mu, S.J. and Scheraga, H.A.
page 152-156
- A potential energy surface for the electronic ground state of N2O
Guosen, Y., Hui, X. and Daiqian, X.
page 157-162
- The magnetizability anisotropy and rotational g factor of deuterium hydride and the deuterium molecule
Astrand, P., Ruud, K., Mikkelsen, K.V. and Helgaker, T.
page 163-166
- Bifurcation sequences in an incompletely macromixed stirred tank
Liu, C.I., Wen, H.J. and Lee, D.J.
page 167-170
- The vibrational predissociation of HeBr2: a wavepacket study
Krause, P.J. and Clary, D.C.
page 171-177
- Molecular modelling study of
-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes
Alvira, E., Mayoral, J.A. and Garcia, J.I.
page 178-184
- Correlation lengths and density fluctuations in supercritical states of carbon dioxide
Gray, C.G., Goldman, S., Tomberli, B. and Li, W.
page 185-187
- Correlation lengths and density fluctuations in supercritical states of carbon dioxide
Nishikawa, K.
page 188
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