Tables of Contents service for
Chemical Physics Letters
Volume 270, Issue 1-2, 16 May 1997
- Ion density effects in the pulsed field ionization of high Rydberg states
Palm, H. and Merkt, F.
page 1-8
- Femtosecond time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering for the simultaneous study of ultrafast ground and excited state dynamics: iodine vapour
Schmitt, M., Knopp, G., Materny, A. and Kiefer, W.
page 9-15
- One- and two-photon spectroscopy on single molecules of diphenyloctatetraene
Walser, D., Plakhotnik, T., Renn, A. and Wild, U.P.
page 16-22
- Formation of vanadium-arene complex anions and their photoelectron spectroscopy
Judai, K., Hirano, M., Kawamata, H., Yabushita, S., Nakajima, A. and Kaya, K.
page 23-30
- Analysis of the site selected fluorescence and the phosphorescence spectrum of hypericin in ethanol
Arabei, S.M., Galaup, J.P. and Jardon, P.
page 31-36
- On the ionization and dissociation of NO2 by short intense laser pulses
Vijayalakshmi, K., Safvan, C.P., Kumar, G.R. and Mathur, D.
page 37-44
- Vibrational ladder climbing in NO by ultrashort infrared laser pulses
Maas, D.J., Duncan, D.I., van der Meer, A.F.G., van der Zande, W.J. and Noordam, L.D.
page 45-49
- Influence of solvent viscosity and permittivity on the harpooning mechanism in semirigidly bridged electron donor-acceptor systems
Jager, W., Schneider, S. and Verhoeven, J.W.
page 50-58
- Measurements of kinetic energies released to the 2s 3S + 1s 1 dissociation threshold of He2
Roney, A., Delisle, C.J. and Larzilliere, M.
page 59-65
- The temperature dependence of the rate constant for O+ + NO -> NO+ + O from 23 to 30000 K
Le Garrec, J.L., Lepage, V., Rowe, B.R. and Ferguson, E.E.
page 66-70
- Pulsed infrared carbon selective dissociation of CF3Br with N2 and D2 as buffers
del Barrio, J.I., Cezar, R.F. and G-Tablas, F.M.
page 71-76
- Observation of the exchange of small molecules between phases in a SDS micellar system
Luo, R. and Mao, X.
page 77-80
- Shaped pulse excitation in multi-quantum magic-angle spinning spectroscopy of half-integer quadrupole spin systems
Ding, S. and McDowell, C.A.
page 81-86
- Two-dimensional tunneling of hydrogen in a Norrish type II process of a ketone
Chandra, A.K. and Rao, V.S.
page 87-92
- Observation of thiohydroxy-hydroxy-carbene [HS-C-OH] when searching for thionformic acid [HC( =S) OH] in the gas phase
Lahem, D., Flammang, R. and Minh, T.N.
page 93-98
- Ab initio calculations of the structures and energies of gas phase isomeric C3N4 molecules
BelBruno, J.J.
page 99-102
- Modelling trapping sites of (HF)2 in argon clusters
Grigorenko, B.L. and Nemukhin, A.V.
page 103-107
- Endohedral fullerene formation through prompt gamma recoil
Gadd, G.E., Evans, P.J., Hurwood, D.J., Morgan, P.L., Moricca, S., Webb, N., Holmes, J., McOrist, G., Wall, T., Blackford, M., Cassidy, D., Elcombe, M., Noorman, J.T., Johnson, P. and Prasad, P.
page 108-114
- Photofragmentation of C60 in seeded supersonic molecular beams: effects of ro-vibrational cooling
Biasioli, F., Boschetti, A., Barborini, E., Piseri, P., Milani, P. and Iannotta, S.
page 115-120
- Scattering cross sections for low-energy rare-gas + C60 and C60 + C60 collisions
Ruiz, A., Breton, J. and Llorente, J.M.G.
page 121-128
- Raman cross section for the pentagonal-pinch mode in buckminsterfullerene C60
Lorentzen, J.D., Guha, S., Menendez, J., Giannozzi, P. and Baroni, S.
page 129-134
- Photoluminescence studies on C60 trapped in NiY zeolite
Gang, G., Weiping, D., Guangxu, C., Shiyuan, Z., Youwei, D. and Shihe, Y.
page 135-138
- Direct probe of size-dependent electronic relaxation in single-sized Au and nearly monodisperse Pt colloidal nano-particles
Smith, B.A., Zhang, J.Z., Giebel, U. and Schmid, G.
page 139-144
- Sensitization of nanocrystalline TiO2 electrode with quantum sized CdSe and ZnTCPc molecules
Jinghuai, F., Jingwen, W., Xiaomei, L., Yaochun, S. and Zuhong, L.
page 145-151
- Hot precursors in the adsorption of molecular oxygen on Ag(110)
Barth, J.V., Zambelli, T., Wintterlin, J. and Ertl, G.
page 152-156
- Dissociation of O2 chemisorbed on Ag(110) and Pt(111) induced by energetic Xe atoms
Akerlund, C., Zoric, I., Kasemo, B., Cupolillo, A., de Mongeot, F.B. and Rocca, M.
page 157-162
- Structural evidence for chemical contributions in the bonding of the heavy rare gases on a close-packed transition metal surface: Xe and Kr on Ru(001)
Narloch, B. and Menzel, D.
page 163-168
- Local field change of dipole near a surface: a rigorous image theory
Mufei, X.
page 169-177
- On the superconductivity in (Sr, Ca)14Cu24O41 -- towards a chemical standard model
Panas, I. and Gatt, R.
page 178-182
- Does the standard TLS model fail to explain the experimental data on the long-lived stimulated photon echo in amorphous solids?
Osad'ko, I.S., Mikhailov, M.A. and Gladenkova, S.N.
page 183-188
- The degenerate two-level system and high-order harmonic generation
Rahman, N.
page 189-192
- A new expansion of the Coulomb interaction
Gill, P.M.W.
page 193-195
- Charge flow and solvent dynamics in the photodissociation of cluster ions: a nonadiabatic molecular dynamics study of I?2_Arn
Faeder, J., Delaney, N., Maslen, P.E. and Parson, R.
page 196-205
- An analytical Fourier transform method for semiclassical quantization
Palma, J. and Echave, J.
page 206-210
- The chemical Hamiltonian approach for infinite chains
Mayer, I., Rather, G. and Suhai, S.
page 211-216
- Nuclear spin relaxation and non-ergodic quasi-equilibria
Bruschweiler, R.
page 217-221
- Vibrational dynamics and energy flow in a multi-mode organometallic compound
Markert, T., Malisch, W. and Engel, V.
page 222-228
- The effect of the particle generation function on the rate of the diffusion-controlled A+B->B reaction with a permanent particle source
Kalnin, Yu.R.H., Zvejnieks, G.J. and Kotomin, E.A.
page 229-233
- Mixing of exciton-transfer and charge-transfer contributions to the wavefunction of the naphthalene-hexachlorobiphenyl exciplex
Nowakowska, M., Smoluch, M. and Petelenz, P.
page 234-240
- Quadratic nonlinear optical properties of correlated chromophores: cyclic 6,6_-dinitro-1,1_-binaphthyl-2,2_-ethers
Hendrickx, E., Boutton, C., Clays, K., Persoons, A., van Es, S., Biemans, T. and Meijer, B.
page 241-244
- Comment on: _The
3 infrared spectrum of the He-NH+4 complex_
Read, J.P. and Buckingham, A.D.
page 245-251
- Reply to the Comment on _The
3 infrared spectrum of the He-NH+4 complex_
Meuwly, M., Nizkorodov, S.A., Bieske, E.J., Maier, J.P. and Dopfer, O.
page 252-254
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