Tables of Contents service for
Chemical Physics Letters
Volume 270, Issue 3-4, 23 May 1997
- Third order nonlinear optical properties of bacteriochlorophylls in bacterial photosynthetic light-harvesting proteins
Chen, L.X. and Laible, P.D.
page 255-262
- The primary events in the photoactivation of yellow protein
Baltuska, A., van Stokkum, I.H.M., Kroon, A., Monshouwer, R., Hellingwerf, K.J. and van Grondelle, R.
page 263-266
- Femtosecond--picosecond fluorescence studies on excited state dynamics of photoactive yellow protein from Ectothiorhodospira halophila
Chosrowjan, H., Mataga, N., Nakashima, N., Imamoto, Y. and Tokunaga, F.
page 267-272
- The 3
g band system of jet-cooled Ti2
Doverstal, M., Karlsson, L., Lindgren, B. and Sassenberg, U.
page 273-277
- Titanium solid-state NMR in anatase, brookite and rutile
Labouriau, A. and Earl, W.L.
page 278-284
- Highly resolved UV spectroscopy: structure of S1 benzonitrile and benzonitrile-argon by correlation automated rotational fitting
Helm, R.M., Vogel, H.-P. and Neusser, H.J.
page 285-292
- Intermolecular interaction of photoexcited Cu(TMpy-P4) with water studied by transient resonance Raman and picosecond absorption spectroscopies
Kruglik, S.G., Ermolenkov, V.V., Shvedko, A.G., Orlovich, V.A., Galievsky, V.A., Chirvony, V.S., Otto, C. and Turpin, P.
page 293-298
- Gain suppression involving both stimulated Raman and hyper-Raman photons in two-step stimulated emissions
Lu, D., Garrett, W.R., Payne, M.G. and Moore, M.A.
page 299-303
- Confining CO molecules in stable orbits
Jongma, R.T., von Helden, G., Berden, G. and Meijer, G.
page 304-308
- Novel temperature dependence of the vibrational relaxation of SH? in a two-state hopping system
Mungan, C.E., Lai, R. and Sievers, A.J.
page 309-314
- Oscillations in a laser-induced chemical reaction: coupling of chemical reactions with an acoustic effect
Weng, Y., Hong, X., Chan, K. and Che, C.
page 315-318
- Multiple traversals of a conical intersection: electronic quenching in Na + H2
Ben-Nun, M., Martinez, T.J. and Levine, R.D.
page 319-326
- Time-resolved electric field effects in recombination fluorescence as a method of studying primary radiation-chemical processes
Borovkov, V.I., Anishchik, S.V. and Anisimov, O.A.
page 327-332
- Low energy reactive and dissociative collisions of the acetone cation CH3COCH+3 and its fragment ion CH3CO+ with a surface
Worgotter, R., Grill, V., Herman, Z., Schwarz, H. and Mark, T.D.
page 333-338
- Liquid-vapor coexistence in a chemically heterogeneous slit-nanopore
Schoen, M. and Diestler, D.J.
page 339-344
- O2 dissociation on Ag(001): the role of kink sites
de Mongeot, F.B., Cupolillo, A., Valbusa, U. and Rocca, M.
page 345-350
- Electrostatic potential from embedded clusters
Pascual, J.L. and Pettersson, L.G.M.
page 351-356
- Ab initio studies of the oxidation of methane with oxo-metal cations
Nachtigallova, D., Roeselova, M. and Zahradnik, R.
page 357-362
- A Gaussian-2 molecular orbital study of the unimolecular reactions of acetyl cyanide
Suk, P.S.
page 363-368
- Gas-phase binding of Li+, Na+ and Mg2+ to formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and their silicon and sulfur analogs. A theoretical study by means of ab initio molecular orbital methods at the G2 level of theory
Remko, M.
page 369-375
- Computational density functional theory vibrational spectra of cubane
Miaskiewicz, K. and Smith, D.A.
page 376-381
- Shifted-contour auxiliary-field Monte Carlo: circumventing the sign difficulty for electronic-structure calculations
Rom, N., Charutz, D.M. and Neuhauser, D.
page 382-386
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