Tables of Contents service for
Chemical Physics Letters
Volume 270, Issue 5-6, 30 May 1997
- A quasiclassical trajectory study of the reaction O(3P) + HCl (v = 2, j = 1, 6, 9) -> OH(v_, j_) + Cl on a new potential surface
Ramachandran, B., Senekowitsch, J. and Wyatt, R.E.
page 387-394
- Can chlorine anion catalyze the reaction of HOCl with HCl?
Richardson, S.L., Francisco, J.S., Mebel, A.M. and Morokuma, K.
page 395-398
- A reformulation of the coupled perturbed self-consistent field equations entirely within a local atomic orbital density matrix-based scheme
Ochsenfeld, C. and Head-Gordon, M.
page 399-405
- Theoretical prediction of the electronic excited states and resonance Raman intensities in formamide from coupled cluster calculations
Szalay, P.G. and Fogarasi, G.
page 406-412
- Binding energies of germanium clusters, Gen (n = 2_5)
Deutsch, P.W., Curtiss, L.A. and Blaudeau, J.P.
page 413-418
- Investigation of the use of B3LYP zero-point energies and geometries in the calculation of enthalpies of formation
Curtiss, L.A., Raghavachari, K., Redfern, P.C. and Pople, J.A.
page 419-426
- On the accuracy of second-order M_ller-Plesset correlation energies
Flores, J.R.
page 427-431
- Picosecond emission anisotropy decays of dimethyl aminobenzonitrile
Fisz, J.J. and van Hoek, A.
page 432-442
- Pade approximation for the polynomial representation of the correlation energy density functional
Lopez-Boada, R., Karasiev, V. and Liu, S.
page 443-452
- Global topological approach to highly excited vibration: a case study of H2O, CH2Br2 and CD2Br2
Guozhen, W.
page 453-463
- A maximum likelihood estimator to distinguish single molecules by their fluorescence decays
Enderlein, J., Goodwin, P.M., Van Orden, A., Ambrose, W.P., Erdmann, R. and Keller, R.A.
page 464-470
- Origin of the saturation of the third-order optical nonlinear response of one-dimensional conjugated systems
Verbandt, Y., Thienpont, H., Veretennicoff, I., Geerlings, P. and Rikken, G.L.J.A.
page 471-475
- Electrostatics by Brownian dynamics: solving the Poisson equation near dielectric interfaces
Zaloj, V. and Agmon, N.
page 476-483
- Reduced density matrix approach for gas-solid scattering
Jackson, B.
page 484-490
- The importance of the plume ejection time for the fragmentation yields observed in the UV ablation of molecular van der Waals films. Ablation of chlorobenzene films at 248 nm
Georgiou, S., Koubenakis, A., Syrrou, M. and Kontoleta, P.
page 491-499
- Conformational effects in UV absorption spectra of tetrasilanes
Imhof, R., Teramae, H. and Michl, J.
page 500-505
- Gas and solution phase chloroiodomethane short-time photodissociation dynamics in the B-band absorption
Wai, M.K. and Phillips, D.L.
page 506-516
- A millimeter/sub-millimeter-wave spectroscopic study of the FeCl radical (X 6
Allen, M.D., Li, B.Z. and Ziurys, L.M.
page 517-526
- Quenching of pyrene fluorescence by amphiphilic nitroxide radicals embedded in cationic micelles
Szajdzinska-Pietek, E. and Wolszczak, M.
page 527-532
- Laser optogalvanic spectroscopy of N2 from the A 3
+u metastable state in a corona excited supersonic expansion
Bachir, I.H., Huet, T.R., Destombes, J.L. and Vervloet, M.
page 533-537
- Diode laser cavity ring down spectroscopy
Romanini, D., Kachanov, A.A. and Stoeckel, F.
page 538-545
- Cavity ringdown spectroscopy: broad band absolute absorption measurements
Romanini, D., Kachanov, A.A. and Stoeckel, F.
page 546-550
- Resonance Raman study of a two-chromophore system. The 2:1 complex of hexamethylbenzene with tetracyanoethylene
Britt, B.M. and McHale, J.L.
page 551-556
- Intermolecular hydrogen atom abstraction from the fluoranil triplet excited state: a Raman study
Balakrishnan, G. and Umapathy, S.
page 557-563
- EPR and ESEEM study of the plastoquinone anion radical Q??A in photosystem II treated at high pH
Deligiannakis, Y., Jegerschold, C. and Rutherford, A.W.
page 564-572
- Magnetic properties of stable N-[(dichlorophenyl)thio]-2,4,6-triphenylphenylaminyl and N-[(dichlorophenyl)thio]-2,4,6-tris(chlorophenyl)phenylaminyl radical crystals
Teki, Y., Itoh, K., Okada, A., Yamakage, H., Kobayashi, T., Amaya, K., Kurokawa, S., Ueno, S. and Miura, Y.
page 573-579
- Temperature dependence of the reaction C2H (C2D) + O2 between 295 and 700 K
Thiesemann, H. and Taatjes, C.A.
page 580-586
- Rotational excitation of ions produced by the He(2 3S) Penning ionization of CO and N2
Tokue, I., Kawai, T. and Yamasaki, K.
page 587-592
- Photophysical behaviour of some pyrenylethylene derivatives and its implication on trans -> cis photoisomerisation reactions
Gopal, V.R., Rao, V.J., Saroja, G. and Samanta, A.
page 593-598
- Author index to volume 270
page 599-608
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